Appeal to humanitarian organization for urgent action to save the lives of Iranian Kurdish refugees in Turkey


According to news obtained by the International Relations Bureau of PDKI from refugee groups stationed in Van, Turkish police have detained a number of Iranian Kurdish refugees on Saturday and Sunday of 30 and 31 of August, and has transferred these detainees to unknown locations.  According to these sources, the threat of being deported to Iranian authorities endangers the lives of these refugees.  The past cases have proven that such deportations to Iranian agents can lead to executions.  The cases of Karim Toujali and Khalid Showghi prove these claims: they were sent to prison right after their deportation, and consequently, after a few years of imprisonment and torture they were executed on the 24 January 2002 and 7 October 2002 respectively.


It is the existence of such threats that we appeal to all the international human rights organizations and centers to reach out to assist these refugees before it is too late, and pressure the Turkish government to stop the deportation of these desperate people to the assassins of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


It should be noted that the International Relations Bureau, in defense of these refugees, is in constant contact with the UNHCR offices in Geneva, Ankara and Van and also with Amnesty International, France-Liberty Foundation, and the League for the Defense of Human Rights in Iran and others institutions.


Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan

The Bureau of International Relations

Paris 2003/09/01 




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