Press Release:

Statement Concerning the Execution of Two Other Scions of the Kurdish People

Kurdistan, 14 October 2002

Following the statement issued by our Party concerning the execution of Hamzeh Ghaderi, we were informed that two other members: Khalid Showghi, aged 50, from a village in Ghassemlou Valley which is a suburb Urumieh(Iranian Kurdistan), and Jalil Zewe-ee from Sardasht region(Iranian Kurdistan), have been executed their offence being members of our Party and their of struggle for the just rights and freedom of their people. The local authorities of the regime had forcibly refrained their families from holding public burial ceremonies and funeral services.


Khalid, who had joined the ranks of PDKI from the very first days of Party’s open activities, had to leave the Party due to a pack of difficulties befalling his family. He went to Turkey as an asylum-seeker to be resettled in a third country. But he was arrested by the Turkish security forces and handed over to the authorities of the Islamic Republic. Having been imprisoned and tortured in the most brutal manner, he was at first condemned to death, and later, his sentence was mitigated to life imprisonment.


Jalil Zewayee, aged 30, was arrested in Sardasht region in 1997. He had been sentenced to death at the same made-to-order court.


While expressing our most sincere condolences to the families concerned, to their fellow-combatants, and to the Kurdish people, as well as all Iranian freedom activists, we strongly condemn these atrocious and inhuman crimes, demanding at the same time of all and every international human rights organizations to protest against these dark crimes, and pressure this repressive regime to put an end to the execution of Kurdish democratic freedom activists.

Political Bureau of

Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan
