Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan





B.P.102 – 7623 Paris

Cedex 13 – France


September 14, 2005



Join us in a demonstration in front of the United Nations Headquarters in

New York City to protest the visit of Iranian president Mahmood Ahmadinejad


Assembly point:   47th Street & 2nd Ave on Wednesday September 14, 2005

from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM



We, the Congress of Iranian Nationalities for a Federal Republic of Iran are assembled here to protest the scheduled address of Iranian President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmood Ahmadinejad to the 6th session of the United Nations General Assembly. We find this event to be shocking, given that President Ahmadinejad is implicated in the assassination of Dr. Ghassamlou, the General Secretary of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan and the assassinations of Dr. Kazem Sami and Parviz Douani, all of whom were opposition leaders against the Iranian government.


Shortly before President Ahmadinejad’s inauguration on August 3, 2005, he signaled to the international community his position on minority rights in Iran—130 indigenous Ahwazi Arabs in Khuzestan (al-Ahwaz), that were peacefully demonstrating against their living conditions were massacred.  President Ahmadinejad also ordered the killings of Kurds in the cities of Mahabad, Sghez, Eshnowieh, where they were gunned down by Iranian security forces.  Many Balochi freedom fighters were also executed in cities throughout Baluchestan.  Currently, non-Persian provinces that are dominated by minorities are cordoned off and under the Iranian military control.  Foreign journalists and neutral observers are forbidden entrance to these areas.


Iran enforces a systemic apartheid within its borders of all that does not comply with the government’s beliefs and practices.  People are neither permitted to speak their native language nor to practice their faiths, customs and traditions in public for fear they will be arrested or worse.  The Iranian government and military earn billions of petrodollars, but do not share the oil revenue with the Ahwazi Arabs, whose homeland is located in Khuzestan (al-Ahwaz), a region that produces 90% of Iran’s oil.  This example is only one of many that demonstrate how minorities are forced to live in deplorable conditions and earn meager wages.  Furthermore, women in the ethnic, national or religious minority groups experience a double-minority stigma. 


We represent the oppressed, ethnic, national, and religious minorities in Iran, namely Iranians, Turks, Kurds, Arabs, Balochis, Turkomen, Jews, Assyrians, and Bihais.  Contrary to the Islamic Republic’s claim that Iran is a homogenous “Persian Nation”, it is a multi-cultural, multi-lingual and multi-ethnic society.  Iran consists of six major ethnic groups—Persians, Turks, Arabs, Kurds, Balochis and Turkomen.  Iran’s population is approximately sixty-eight million, with an estimated 1/3 Persian.  For the past eighty years, minorities have suffered through 80 years of Persia’s ruthless and discriminatory government.    


We call upon the United Nations and the international community to condemn Iran’s human rights violations of its people and we advocate for a federalist approach in Iran.  This approach would help to secure democracy and human rights for all minorities.  In smaller political units, individual Iranians could participate more directly in a monolithic unitary government.  Moreover, individuals dissatisfied with conditions in one community have the option of moving to another that would be protected and secured by a federal system.

Iran’s future as a federalist state will be guaranteed only through a pluralistic and democratic society.  We plead for the international community to support that the inherent rights to freedom and dignity be given to all Iranian citizens.  The voices and rights of all Iranians should not be made tangential or denied in society by those who would seek to marginalize certain minorities.  Iranians need the support of the United Nations and the support of all its freedom-loving members that respect human rights, and who demand equality and justice for all Iranians regardless of gender, ethnicity and religious beliefs.

Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan
Ahwaz Democratic Solidarity Party
Baluch United Front
Baluch Peoples Party
Azeri International Institute
Organization to Defend the Rights of Turkmen Nation
Kumeleh Revolutionary Party of Iranian Kurdistan©PDKI  All Rights Reserved.