Press Release :


Successful Completion of the XIII Congress of Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan



 Paris,  July 30, 2004


The Bureau of International Relations of PDKI has the pleasure to inform all the friends and supporters of our Party and the Kurdish people that the PDKI’s XIII Congress has been successfully held in the beginning of July, 2004.


The main topics on the Agenda of the Congress were as follows:


-                             Discussion and approval of the political report of the Central Committee of the PDKI. The report included the analysis of our Party on the political developments in the World, the Middle East  and Iran since the last Congress, as well as,  the situation and prospects of the struggle of Kurdish people in Iran for freedom and democracy.


-                             Ratification of the Party’s Constitution and internal regulation.



-                             Election of the Central Committee which will be in charge of leading the Party up to the next Congress.


The most noteworthy  changes introduced by the XIII Congress regarding the Party's political orientation and direction were: (1) The change of the PDKI’s strategic slogan from previously “democracy for Iran and autonomy for Kurdistan” to “a democratic and federal political system in Iran which guarantees the national rights of Kurdish People”; (2) The election of Comrade Mustafa HIJRI as the new Secretary General of  the Party.


The Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan would like, on the same occasion, to express its gratitude to all those who have sent messages of solidarity and friendship to the Congress.


Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan

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