Meeting of the Council of the Socialist International

Santo Domingo, 26-27 November 2001

            Following the Dominican Revolutionary Party’s (PRD) request to host this Council’s meeting, the Socialist International (SI) Council conducted its meeting in 26 and 27 of November in the city of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

            The main topics of the meeting that were discussed under the theme of ‘Working for a more secure and fairer world’ were: 1- Responding to terror, 2- Resolving conflicts, 3- Relieving poverty.

            While focusing on the issues above, the meeting in its first day was primarily devoted to presentations and speeches, where number of delegates took the floor to express their opinions on the topics.  They were as follow: H. E. Hipolito Mejia, President of the Dominican Republic, Hatuey De Camps, President of the Dominican Revolutionary Party, Antonio Guterres, General Secretary of the Socialist Party of Purtugal, President of the SI and the Prime Minister of Portugal, Sobatru from the Socialist Party of Spain, Pier Masimo from the Democratic Left Party of Italy, Rolandu Araya the future President of Cost Rica, Pasaryo the French Socialist Party’s international relations representative, and Joe Friedman representing trade Union from the United States Social Democrats.

            All the delegates, along with condemning terrorism as an inhumane action, insisted upon the eradication of such phenomenon in all its forms, including fighting the funding of it.  In regards to resolving conflicts world wide, they all agreed that dialogue is the sole solution, and SI based on its fundamental principles and values is against any forms of force and extremism for solving conflicts and disputes.  It is necessary that despite obstacles ahead, the SI should not only distance itself from any kind of attempts to resolve conflicts, but it must also seek to find those avenues and solutions that prevent utilizing force and aggression.  Antonio Guterres, the President of this international organization, repeated in his speech that SI considers it as its duty that as much as it devotes its efforts and energy to eradicate terrorism, and its funding, it must equally fight to relieve poverty, injustice, human rights violations, and unjust international relations.  The last words of the report of the Secretary-general summarized it all; ‘the international will continue to promote peace where it does not exist, respect for human rights wherever they are denied, democracy wherever it is missing, and social justice every where, all for a more secure and fairer world.’

            In other parts of the meeting, the financial reports were discussed, and necessary measures were made for next year’s budget.  At the end of the meeting, delegates and representatives detailed their conclusion in two declarations: ‘Working for a more secure and fairer world’ carrying the same name as the meeting, and ‘Declaration on world poverty’.  Reflecting the discussion, a resolution on ‘fighting the funding of terrorism’ was adopted unanimously.

            On behalf of PDKI that is a member SI, a two-person delegation consisting of comrade Dr. Khosrow Abdullahi, our Party’s representative abroad, and Sharif Behruz, a member of our Canadian Committee participated in the meeting.  Our delegation in the midst of the meeting was able to meet number of delegates and representatives of the attending parties in the meeting.  In this meeting, our comrades, along with exchanging opinions in regards to various issues, spelled out our Party positions on terrorism particularly the event of September 11th.  Our comrades also provided their counterparts with Party documents on the event of September 11th, the recent resignation of the representatives from the Kurdistan province and also our Party’s peaceful diplomatic endeavours to resolve the Kurdish issues in Iran.
