May 20, 2001

Declaration Concerning the Eighth Presidential election and the By-elections of the Sixth Parliament

The Islamic Republic of Iran has embarked on making arrangements for the 8th presidential election and by-elections for the Sixth Parliament to be held on June 8, 2001.

Over the past couple of months, the officials of the regime, adherent to any group or wing in the inner circles of power have sweated blood so as to convince the Iranian masses of the importance of the coming elections, thus lure as many people as they can to the polling-station.

There is no doubt that the two main wings inside the regime have realised the fact that after 22 years of the so-called Islamic system, the different strata of the people have developed a thorough knowledge of the essence of the regime, being aware of the strife among the wing-leaders as well.

Besides, the leading despots know quite well that their deceitfulness has become undeniably public, with the people not having any faith in their pledges any longer.  Our citizens have no doubt that by electing one of the regime’s figureheads, they will never have their ends fulfilled.  It is this very fact that has disillusioned the majority of the electorate regarding chicanery and foul-play of the kind.  The authorities too are cocksure that the affair is going to be a performance without any splendour.  

It is well remembered that four years ago, the Iranian electorate believing that among the authorities a man or a group of personalities had emerged on the scene who might support them in their struggle for just rights, rushed to the ballot stations electing Sey-yed Muhammad Khatami with a great majority.  In fact, the turn-out was an outright referendum aimed at rejecting policies and practices of the regime on the one hand, and the people demanding their just rights for freedom, democracy and human rights as well as social justice on the other.  It eventually became crystal clear that despite their expectations throughout the four years of his presidency, not only he did not take a single step towards fulfilling the people’s just demands, but also contrary to such expectations, he definitely demonstrated that from the stand point of ideology, he is no different from the other leaders of the regime, and should there be any difference among them, it certainly is in the method of administrating the state, and how to preserve the totality of the regime; moreover, Mr. Khatami, so far has not submitted any bills to the parliament to defend our people, even though the reformists had obtained a strong majority in the last parliamentary elections a year ago.

In such circumstances, it is pretty clear that the people’s active participation in the election, and more than that, voting for Mr. Khatami, instead of being a step towards freedom, democracy and reform (an assertion staged by the reformists), it will be in fact one to retrieve the vicious circle of fruitless expectations of Mr. Khatami, whose four-year record of presidency has neither any commendable aspects before the people nor secured him anything in which he can take any pride.

Dear citizens! You are sure to know that your qualified candidates have once more been denied the right to represent you.  The Council of Guardians as an all-power organ of the regime has rejected all the qualified candidates.  The matter has reached the point, where even the names of the rejected have not been announced.  Consequently, there has not remained the slightest possibility for a free election, with the electorate being obligated to vote for a man from a number of handpicked candidates approved by the despots.  That is why the Kurdish people, as well as our Iranian compatriots are earnestly expected to refrain from going to the polling stations.

As you perfectly know, on the 8th of June, by-elections will be held with the presidential election simultaneously so that the emptied seats of some constituencies in the parliament can be filled.  As far as we have been informed, in the regions concerned, all these candidates who had obtained the majority of the votes in the first round have all been rejected.  Such an overt display of lawlessness means that the despots reject whomever people favour and whatever they approve.  Consequently, our citizens are expected to take a firm stand in this connection, and by refraining from going to the polls, they valiantly demonstrate the fact that their volition differs wholly from that of the regime. 

We hope that out compatriots will demonstrate their unwavering unity and their will-power to the rulers by not participating in the coming fakery, thus showing their relentless adherence to democracy and freedom, and also rejecting dictatorship in all verities concealed under guile and hypocrisy.


Of Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan

May 20, 2001

