Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan


Press release


Paris 13.9.2005


In Iran suppression against Kurdish people is further escalating


Two people arrested for having part in demonstrations


Following a of  month upraisings in Iranian Kurdistan the regime of Islamic republic has increased pressure against Kurdish people since the installment  of  Mahmoud Ahmadi Nejad as the president. According to reliable sources the security forces of regime abduct or detain those  who have presumably taken part in the peaceful demonstrations.


During the last days the regime has arrested bellow listed individuals:

  1. Mr. Azad Lotfpur, from Sanandaj, Student, cultural and human rights activist, who was one of the speakers at the demonstrations in the city of Sanandaj.
  2. Mr. Rahim Shilani, from Bokan


The hanger strike of Human rights activist Said Saedi and journalist Ejlal Ghavami who were arrested for their parts in demonstrations, continues for the 5th week.


Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan condemns the brutal act of the Islamic republic of Iran against the basic human rights of Kurdish people. PDKI appeals to all International organizations, human rights supporters and International community to step up pressure on the government of Iran  to stop the suppression of Iranian Kurdish people by Islamic republic regime of Iran.



Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan

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