Comrade Mustafa Hijri meets French Socialist Party officials and the President of France-Liberty Foundation, Madam Danniel Mitterand


1-         Comrade Mustafa Hijri, a member of the Politburo of PDKI, in his latest trip to Europe met with Mr. Rejis Pasario, the French Socialist Party representative in the central committee bureau of the Party on Thursday morning, 5 December 2001.  In this meeting, Karim Pakzad, from the bureau of international relations of the Socialist Party, responsible for Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan affairs, and Khosrow Abdullahi, our Party’s representative abroad were also present.

            In this visit, first, Mr. Pasario along with greeting comrade Hijri, and appraising the long friendly relations between the two parties, reiterated Socialist Party’s support for the Kurdish cause in concerning countries.  The two sides exchanged views on current Iranian affairs, including the reformist movement and the current situation in Iranian Kurdistan.  Comrade Hijri, along with presenting our Party’s analysis of the existing circumstances, reaffirmed our Party’s support for the reformist freedom-loving movement of our country.  In regards to Mr. Khatami and his promises, he stated that unfortunately Mr. Khatami has not only been unable to stick to his words, but he has also become a speed-bump on the road to reform.

            On the position of PDKI in regards to the relations of the West, particularly European countries’ relations with Iran, Mr. Hijri stated that while PDKI believes in dialogue to resolve conflicts and disputes, it can not oppose such relations, rather it considers it as constructive, only if its is based on respect for human rights, including the rights of the oppressed nationalities by the Iranian authorities.

            Both sides were delighted with the prospects of this friendly visit, and considered the coordination of such visits very fruitful for exchanging of information and the proximity of perceptions.


2-         In the afternoon of the same day, comrade Mustafa Hijri also paid a visit to Madam Danniel Miterand the President of France-Librete Foundation in the bureau of this organization.  In this visit, both sides exchanged views regarding various issues, including Iranian affairs, Iranian and Iraqi Kurdistan.  Comrade Hijri, along with explaining and analyzing Party positions regarding situation in Iran and Iranian Kurdistan, pointed out the continued suppression by the regime, especially the hardliners in Iran, and stated that these suppressive policies will do little to save the regime because today in Iran we are witnessing a freedom-loving and strong populace movement that does not consider this regime as reformable.  The demand of this movement is going beyond Khatami, and the formation of fundamental changes in the political structure.  This movement is an unstoppable movement, meaning that until the realization of their legitimate demands, and the establishment of a populace system believing in the authority of the people, people will not give up struggle, and PDKI reaffirms its support for the movement and will strive to strengthen it with all its capabilities.

            Another part of the discussions was devoted to the issue of establishing the Kurdish working group in the French Parliament.  In this regard, both sides along with expressing their opinions insisted on further activeness for its establishment.

