PDKI Press Release Regarding the Tragedy in the USA 

Dear Compatriots!

International groups and associations!

            Yesterday before noon Washington time, a series of organized terrorist attacks using several hijacked airplanes were conducted against political, military and economic centers of the United States of America.  Both World Trade Centre towers in New York were destroyed and a considerable segment of the Pentagon, the American Defense Headquarters was also damaged.

            According to the sources concerned, in these terrorist attempts thousands of people have lost their lives or been seriously injured, and beyond this, the moral of the people in this country has been hurt ferociously, and financial damage is estimated to amount to billions of dollars.

            What group or state has planned and executed such a criminal act is not yet known, especially when the terrorists themselves have been killed along with the victims.  But the important issue is that as it was expected these terrorist actions were confronted with worldwide anger and abhorrence, and condemned globally.  It is not a remote possibility that the planners of this crime against humanity might be among those who have condemned it, in which case their aim is to mislead others, thus escaping contempt by the international public opinion.

            Regardless of the fact that who has been behind the Tuesday’s deadly criminal actions, Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan, which has never restored to any antagonist terrorist attempts on one hand, and it has suffered greatly from being a victim of terrorist attacks itself on the other, strongly condemns this inhumane actions.  On these shocking moments, we present our condolences to all the relatives of the victims of this crime and to the people of the United States of America, wishing those injured or affected in this tragic event instantaneous remedy.

            The occurrence of such a human tragedy requires comprehensive and scientific analysis that no doubt the experts and the bodies investigating the case will carry out within weeks and months ahead.  The only issue that needs to be addressed in this regard is that it must be said that we should hope the states and the decision making centers worldwide are awakened by this tragic event, and instead of thinking of punishing a few terrorists, they must attempt to stamp out the roots of terrorism and eradicate its causes that bring about such repulsive and inhumane events.

With condemning terrorism any where in the world and in all its modes.

The Political Bureau of Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan

