

Dear Compatriots!

Faithful People of Kurdistan!

Honourable People of Sanandaj!

          According to some reliable sources, the Islamic Republic authorities have changed the scheduled trip of Socialist International’s (SI) delegation to Iranian and Iraqi Kurdistan after they had been informed of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan’s (PDKI) first appeal, and they have re-organized the trip in a way that the said delegation will get to Tehran on June 17, and a day after, on June 18, they will be heading to Sanandaj, where they will be staying for two days, and they will afterwards leave the region for Iraqi Kurdistan.

            We are well aware that the effects of regime’s suppressions and crimes are evident in every span of the land of Iranian Kurdistan, and especially the city of Sanandaj still lives with a bleeding heart from the lethal attacks of the destructive machineries of the so-called Islamic Soldiers; therefore, now that the direction of the delegation of SI has been changed, it is the duty of brave and devoted people of Sanandaj to  reach out to this delegation in a peaceful manner, and divulge the regime’s crimes against the people of Kurdistan in general, and the people of Sanandaj in particular.

            It is necessary that a delegation from the people of Sanandaj should attempt to meet with the members of the SI delegation. This delegation, while clarifying the people of Kurdistan’s deprivation from the legitimate rights and freedoms, should also try to explain to them that how the first spring of freedom and in the Noruz of 1979, this heroic city became a battlefield, and rains of fire poured on its defenseless inhabitants.  Let this international delegation be told from the ordinary people of Sanandaj that in the second spring of Islamic Republic’s ruling, the city of Sanandaj for the second consecutive time was targeted in a cruelly and painful manner, and thousands of its inhabitants killed or wounded.  Let them be informed that the innocent people of Sanandaj did not even find the opportunity to lay to rest their loved-ones, and many of the mourning families had no choice but to construct small cemeteries in their own back yards.  Let them know that Colonel Sadri, commander of garrison, claimed with such a pride that in every hour 400 mortar-shells were fired onto the city that the quivers of each battered about 200 meters of its surroundings.

            The members of the delegate elected by the people of Sanandaj can tell the SI delegate about the not-too-long crimes that were conducted by the ruling tyrants against the civilian population.  It is essential to remind them that only two years ago and exactly during the presidency of the so-called “reformist” Mr. Khatami and the Kurdish-speaking Governor-general, how the quiet and peaceful demonstration of your people in Sanandaj was repressed, and the corpses of many of them laid on the ground with hundreds killed or injured, and how thousands of them were sent to prison or they were forced to live behind their city, in order to be relieved from the oppressive apparatuses of the regime. 

Valiant People of Sanandaj!

            Do not let the authorities to cover up the bitter and painful reality of deprivation and repression of this oppressed nation by showing some and pre-determined areas to the members of the SI delegation, and meeting some of their hand-picked agents so as to portray a civilized image of this so-called “divine justice” regime.  Unveil the covers of deceit and hypocrisy from the essence of this regime and its agents, and display the fundamental nature of politics and practices of the ruling elite to the guest delegation and world wide the way it is.


Political Bureau

Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan

16 June 2001
