We support any peace that guarantees the rights of the Palestinian people

          The Oslo Agreement, despite all of its shortcomings, revived the hopes of peace in the hearts of Palestinian people.  The joys of these hopeful moments could have been found in the celebrations of the Palestinian people of the occupied.  These hopes eventually faded by the consecutive Israeli violations and its failure to recognize the legitimate rights of Palestinian people.  Israel without considering the lessons of more than half a century struggle of the Palestinian people, attempted to dictate the ruler-ruled, colonial relationship on the Palestinian people on the negotiating table.  However, when the Palestinian leaders, despite all the concessions and appeasements resisted these humiliations, Israel started the military assaults on the ground and in the air to pursue its belligerent goals.

          Ariel Sharon, with the slogan of security for Israel, under the rubbles of September 11 event, started another round of Palestinian massacres.  However, Sharon with the extermination of Palestinians, did not only failed to bring security for Israel, but in contrary he brought further insecurity to the people of Israel.

We believe that security in an Israel without the recognition of the democratic rights of the Palestinian people is impossible!

We invite all the world freedom activists to peace; a just peace that recognizes the blatant rights of the Palestinian people! Peace and security:

With the unconditional withdrawal of Israel from the occupied territories!

With the recognition of the right of self-determination by the Palestinians!

With the creation of a national Palestinian state!

We demand the implementation of the United Nations Resolutions 194, 242, 338, and also the latest UN Resolution 1397 that clearly recognizes the right of the creation of a Palestinian state.

The Committee of Union of Action for Democracy in Iran

Composed of:

Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan

Iranian People’s Devotees Organization

Revolutionary Workers Organization of Iran

