The Execution of Two Kurdish Political Prisoners in Iran




1-     Jalil ZEWAI, a member of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan was arrested in 1994. After spending years in prison he was executed on 4 December 2003.


2-      Ramin SHARIFI, a member of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan, was arrested on 8 July 2003, and executed on 6 December 2003.



      While condemning this crime of the Iranian Regime, we call upon all the human rights organisations, in particular the United Nations Human Rights Commission and Amnesty International to strongly condemn this crime.

      According to the information we have received from Iranian Kurdistan, the lives of many other Kurdish political prisoners who have been sentenced to death are threatened. We ask all international bodies to take urgent measures in order to prevent the execution of these people.



                    Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan

                         Bureau of International Relations

                                       8 December 2003©PDKI  All Rights Reserved.