The execution of another prisoner of consciousness by the regime in Iran



Habibullah Tanhaeyan, 41 years old, married with three children, from the city of Sanandaj was detained on 11 December 2002 by the regime’s intelligence elements in the city of Sanandaj.  He had been taken into custody several times before and held for several months on each occasion by the regime in Iran accused of having ties with Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan.  His detainment this time - after four days of interrogation and torture - resulted in his execution on 15 December 2002 convicted of similar accusations.  The deceased body of this brave activist, bearing the signs of excessive torture, was returned to his family four days after his execution.


Such a murderous crime of the regime is carried out when a European Union delegation was in the midst of dialogue with the regime in Iran over human rights violations, as well as respect for the rights of the Kurds.


Along with expressing deep abhorrence to the freedom restraining and suppressing policies of the regime, PDKI conveys its sincere condolences to the family of forgone Habibullah, all the people of Sanandaj and the surroundings.  We hope that the blood of this triumphant martyr, and others alike, have not been exhausted in attaining peace and freedom, and their legacy have not been washed out; rather, thousands of city youth eager for freedom continue their path and seek justice for all the crimes committed by this regime.


Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan

24 December 2002



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