The Execution of another Freedom Activist, Jalil ZEWAI is carried out in Iran



We sorrowfully and sadly announce that Jalil ZEWAI, a freedom activist and member of PDKI, detained in the summer of 1994 in Sardasht region by the Iranian regime’s security agents, was executed on Thursday, 4 December 2003 in the city of Mahabad by the butchers of Iran’s Islamic regime.

Mr. ZEWAI, the son of Muhammad, from the village of Marana in the Rabat County located in Sardasht region was heavily tortured in the early stages of his detainment, resulting in extensive bleeding; however, despite such a barbaric treatment, he never backed down from his devotion. Intimidation did not weaken him; he stayed strong against the ruling totalitarian and remained committed to the objectives of his nation and its legitimate struggle carried out by his Party, PDKI.

His burial ceremony was carried out privately in his hometown Sardasht with any public burial or ceremonies being prohibited by the regime.  Despite regime’s restrains, the people of Sardasht flooded the martyr’s residence and mourned his death.

Regrettably, the loss of this Kurdish activist was striking for the people of Kurdistan in general, and those in his ranks in particular that left all freedom activists with deep sorrow.  However, there is no doubt that the execution of this activist will not frighten the people of Kurdistan or deviate them from their struggle against dictatorship and despotism, rather this will hearten and inspire them in their course to triumph and freedom.

On the martyrdom of this activist we send our condolences to the family, friends and relatives of honoured Jalil ZEWAI, and we are hopeful by upholding the drive for struggle and fulfilling his wishes and objectives, we please the spirit of this victim and all the victims of Kurdistan.  Simultaneously, we condemn such a brutal act of the cleric establishment and appeal to the international community and humanitarian organizations that along with condemning such a crime pressurize the regime to end its ploy of executing freedom activists.


Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan

Political Bureau

7 December 2003©PDKI  All Rights Reserved.