The Execution of Ramin SHARIFI



We mournfully and sadly announce that a prominent active member of PDKI, Ramin SHARIFI, detained and imprisoned 5 months ago by the repressive security militias of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the city of Saghez (Iranian Kurdistan) was executed on Saturday, 6 December 2003 by the assassins of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Mr. SHARIFI, the son of Hussein, 27 years old, was born in Divadareh and settled in Saghez, where he also pursued his studies.  To fight tyranny, achieve freedom and obtain national Kurdish rights he joined the ranks of PDKI in 1993, and in his 10 years of presence in the ranks, he held important positions and performed them faithfully.

Following his capture and imprisonment, despite excessive torture, physical and psychological anguish, he never surrendered to the wishes of the regime and remained faithful to the objectives and path of his devoted ranks.  The loss of this democratic activist, with no doubts, is enormous for the Party and the Kurdish people and left a profound sorrow in the hearts and minds of many freedom activists and democrats in general.

PDKI along with condemning this crime of the Iranian Regime, conveys its condolences to his family, friends and relatives, and assures everyone that the execution of this activist will not frighten the people of Kurdistan or hinder their course of struggle; rather, it will make them even more committed.

Meanwhile in this regard, as we had previously informed the international community of imminent threats of executions, once again, we restate our appeal that by exerting pressure on the regime of Islamic Republic of Iran, diverge this barbaric regime from killing Kurdish freedom activists and prevent this regime from taking the lives of innocent Kurdish activists so easily.


Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan

Political Bureau

7 December 2003©PDKI  All Rights Reserved.