July 13, 2005

PDKI presse release on the recent unrest and crack-down in Mahabad

On July 13, 2005, and on the 16th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Ghassemloo, the former General Secretary of Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan and his colleagues in Vienna, capital of Austria, by a gang of terrorists of the Islamic Republic, the people of Kurdistan, once again and in different ways, condemned this savage action of the regime demonstrating their disgust throughout Kurdistan.

The valiant people of Mahabad, particularly the young stratum of the town, from July 9th on, held a set of demonstration in different parts of the town in which thousands of people participated from 9 p.m. up till midnight, vehemently declaring their support in favor of P.D.K.I.. They also raised slogan against the regime attacking their tyrannical forces and hurled stones at them.

Subsequently, all shops and stores of the town were closed ,with the regime deploying thousands of their repressive forces across the town.

So far, Kamal Asfarram, son of Ghadder , nicknamed Showanneh, who was one of the activists holing the demonstrations against the regime, was shot by the forces on July 9th and taken to “Ammaken” – rather than to a hospital – where he was brutally tortured and killed. Besides, a great number of demonstrators have been arrested and jailed as well.


Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan



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