PDKI Political Bureau statement honouring 16 Azar (7 December) ‘Students Day’


16th of Azar has been designated as ‘Students Day’ in the course of the incessant struggle and uprising of the Iranian students,  so as to honour the reminiscence of both the martyrs of 16 Azar 1332 of Iranian calendar year (7 December 1953) and the incessant struggle of Iranian students through different stages of their co-fighting with their compatriots for freedom and human rights, and  at the same time, different strata of Iranian peoples’ support given to the just sectional and political demands of the students.


On this occasion, we would like to offer herewith our most sincere congratulations to all valiant, freedom-eager students of Iran, wishing them every success in their fight for democracy and against dictatorship, stressing once more on the full-fledged support of PDKI for the student movement and their endeavors directed towards the establishment of a civilian regime.


The allegiance of both universities and students to their sacred mission thwarted the Islamic Republic in its efforts to forcefully bring their activities under its control, a fact which paved the way for this honorable, cultured vanguards of our people to more decisively continue their struggle, not letting the regime make use of their goal to its advantage, and thus forcing it to remain in the framework of groups and gangs created by itself.


Having realized such bitter facts, with its trial and error having come to nothing, the regime put in force a policy of suppression in universities across Iran. And by transgressing their sanctuaries on Tir 18, 1378 (1999), brought ever more disgrace upon itself. Following such oppressive measures, the students were treated with a most inhumane manner, with a considerable number being jailed and heavy sentences imposed upon them. Gangs of thugs who had attacked the universities, though, not only were freed unscathed but abetted and encouraged as well, with the ringleaders of the regime putting aside for good the files of such cruel acts.


Activities and vast uprisings of last month, and the mottoes raised were all clear signs of a new stage in the struggle of the students who are determined not to tolerate dictatorship of the clergy any longer, with their goal not being limited in the framework of their sectional, not even their own political, demands, but fulfillment of Iranian peoples’ aspirations, i. e., democracy and collective as well as individual freedoms for all Iranians.


Under the existing circumstances, and while the pro-regime media deny the public any information regarding recent activities of university students, it would be most expedient if the Iranian opposition adopt a more active stance and make public opinion more informed of the developments inside Iran. In this connection, it is ample proper for international organizations and defenders of democracy across the world not to remain indifferent regarding the oppressive policies followed by the Islamic Republic against university students. What is most needed in this juncture, however, is to bring pressure on this regime so that it might put paid to its oppressive policy.


Kurdish students studying at universities across Iran are, no doubt, perfectly aware of their duty in connection to the movement. Accordingly, while sincerely participating in the movement and lending it their full support, they should also bring up the just demands of the ethnic minorities of Iran, particularly those of the Kurdish people, thus fulfilling their mission fairly well in this connection.


On the occasion of, while emphasizing once more, PDKI’s full support for the student movement and their courageous stance, we wish them every success in attaining their sacred end, i. e., democracy and the just rights of all Iranian peoples.





Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan



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