Paris, 21. 8. 2003

His Excellency Mr. Kofi ANAN

Secretary-general of the United Nations

New York


Dear Sir,

The horrible terrorist act which brought destruction to the United Nations’ Center in Baghdad, in which dozens of its personnel lost their lives, among them, the most notable Mr. Sergio Vieira de Mello, the high-ranking representative of UN, is no doubt a dark crime which has been perpetrated against all humanity.

The brutal assault on the United Nations’ Center in Baghdad - an international organ with a mission no other than serving the interests of Iraqi citizens and sincere endeavor aiming at the re-establishment of peace and stability in this country - can by no codes of morale be justified.

Accordingly, while strongly condemning this brutal immoral act, I would like, on behalf of Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan and the Kurdish people in Iran, to convey to you and the families of the victims of such a blatant savage stunt my most heartfelt condolences.

I am fully confident, though, incidents of this sort can never prevail over the willpower of international community, and the United Nations will resolutely carry on with its efforts to assist the Iraqi people to relieve themselves from this misery.

I wish you every success in your sacred mission.


Most Sincerely Yours,


                                         Abdulla HASSANZADEH


                                Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan




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