His Excellency Dr. Wolfgang Schuessel

The Austrian Chancellor 

According to the information that have been published in the past few weeks, the newly appointed Iranian president, Mr Mahmood Ahmadi Nejad, have been implicated as being directly involved in preparation for and execution of the terrorist act of 13th July 1989 in Vienna.

As you are aware, the Secretary General of our Party Dr. Abdull Rahman Ghassemlou along with two of his associates, Mr. Abdullah Qadery Azar and Dr. Fazel Rasul were invited to a meeting in Vienna by the Iranian government of then the president Rafsanjani, apparently to find a solution to the Kurdish question in Iran. All three were murdered at the negotiation table on that day by the envoys of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

From early hours of the crime it was apparent to all, and particularly to the Austrian authorities, that these atrocities were committed by the order of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Unfortunately the Austrian government of the time had put pressure on the judiciary to prevent the formation of a trial. With this Austria and the world had lost a golden opportunity to put a stop to the state terrorism of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Your Excellency, political and economical considerations of that time had prevented justice and human right to prevail, but once more the Austrian government has the opportunity to reverse the past injustices and to compensate Kurdish people and freedom movement in Iran for past miscarriage of justice by bringing the terrorists to account.

On behalf of Ghassemlou’s Party and the Kurdish people in Iran, I request from your Excellency not to allow once more the economical and political consideration to prevent the justice to prevail. On the contrary, we are very much looking forward to your full support in resurrecting the trial for the terror of Dr. Ghassemlou and his associates and bringing the perpetrator of these barbaric crime of 13th July to account.  

Yours sincerely

Mustafa Hijri

Secretary-General of Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan


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