Demonstration in the City of Sanandaj – Iranian Kurdistan

At least 6 deaths by regime’s gun men


Press release



There is large demonstration in the City of Sanandaj in Iranian Kurdistan since 6.30 PM local time Monday 1st of August 2005 to condemn the brutal acts of the regime of Iran in the cities of Mahabad, Sardasht, Piranshahr, Shino, Divandareh and Baneh, where Islamic Republic security gourds opened fire on peaceful demonstrations and made blood shed. In support to the people of above mentioned cities all shops and markets were closed and an outsized demonstration was organized in at! least 13 district of the city of Sanandaj. There were “down load to Islamic Republic, Long live freedom, Ghasemlou your way is continued, and Ayraghib – the Kurdish national anthem were chanting by demonstrators.


The security guards of regime that were conveyed from Isfahan and Kermanshah to Sanandaj opened fire to the peaceful demonstration. At least 6 people are killed and various are injured among the demonstrators. We will inform public opinion as soon as we receive new information on the event.  The regimes gun men’s violence rooted anger to people who in protection of them attacked to state properties and damaged several bank and military control points.


The current situation of the city of Sanandaj is critical and while we are writing this press release the demonstrations are continuing all over the city.



Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan

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