Demonstration in Sanandaj – Iranian Kurdistan

At least 6 killed by regimes gun men


Press release


Paris 1.8.2005


The news received by PDKI International Relations telling that there is large demonstration in the City of Sanandaj in Iranian Kurdistan since 7 PM local time 1st of August  2005, to support the upraising of the people of Mahabad and condemning the brutal crimes of the Islamic Republic of Iran against Kurdish people in Iranian Kurdistan. The demonstration which was expanded to at least in at least 13 regions of the City of Sanandaj is carrying slogans against the Iranian regime.



The regime’s security guard opened fire to the peaceful demonstration. At least 6 people are killed and various are injured among the demonstrators. We will inform public opinion as soon as we receive new information on the event.


Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan condemning the brutal act of the Islamic Republic of Iran against Kurdish people in the city of Sanandaj and other Kurdish cities. PDKIappeals all International organizations, human rights supporters and International Community to make there afford in order to stop the blood shed of Iranian Kurdish people by Islamic republic regime of Iran.



Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan

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