The Central Committee of Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan released a communiqué following its 9th session on 9 April 2002.  In this Plenum the Secretary-general elaborated on the new developments in the region, Iraq in particular.  The Central Committee in this release publicized Party’s position on the new developments in Iraq.

 Press Release

The United States of America and its allies war against Iraq lasted only three weeks. There remained no signs of central authority in Baghdad when in April 8 a restaurant in Al-Mansour District of Baghdad, thought to be the gathering place of Saddam Hussein and some of the inner circle of the leadership was heavily bombarded. Besides, as Basra and many other southern cities of Iraq were falling into the hands of the coalition forces, this initial bombardment was regarded as the end of Saddam Hussein’s and his Ba'ath Party’s rule in Iraq. Consequently, in Baghdad and other towns across Iraq, particularly in Kurdistan, people rushed into the streets celebrating this auspicious occasion. Following these circumstances, despite the existence of sporadic resistance across Iraq, most of the cities, the two major cities of Kirkuk and Mosul in particular, surrendered without any resistance. Eventually, with the fall of Tikrit [the birth place of Saddam] on April 14, the war came to an end.

As it is expected in any war, in this war despite the usage of the most advanced military technology, there were heavy losses of life and property that an exact figure of casualties and damage requires some more time.  However, fortunately, a series of concerns regarding Iraqi army’s missile attacks against Kurdistan and neighboring countries, usage of chemical or weapons of mass destruction and setting fire of the oil fields did not take place. Most importantly, despite the heavy bombardment and extensive missile attacks by the allied forces, the civilian casualties were comparatively low. The only disappointing phenomenon seen was the looting and plunder which swept across Baghdad and most of the towns of Iraq, which in some places turned into personal reprisals and revenge.

Prior to the start of the war and during the days of its continuation, considerable anti-war demonstrations took place in most parts of the world, especially the United States and Great Britain.  However, the coalition forces according to their set agenda, embarked on the war, labeling it “Operation Iraqi Freedom”.  Now that the war has ended with the victory of the Allied forces and the toppling of the central government in Iraq, the world community is anxiously awaiting to see how the champions will behave and how they will remain faithful to their promises.

It was quite clear that the Unites States and its allies started the war against Iraq with the slogan of spreading democracy and eradicating terrorism. In this regard they had a series of co-operation with the Iraqi opposition, the Kurdish factions in particular, assigning the latter an important role in the front lines.  It is a pleasure that the United States has times declared that after a short period of transition, will hand over the Iraqi government to the its people, and concerning Kurds, it has expressed its full support for the establishment of a federal system in Iraq in the framework of which the Kurds will attain their national rights as well as equal rights of citizenship with all their Iraqi compatriots.

The slogan with which the United States entered the war against Iraq, i.e., “defending freedom and democracy and fight against terrorism”, is fully supported by the majority of the Iraqi opposition forces and all the other dictatorized countries.

Today, the United States, as world’s biggest superpower, talks of changing the political formation of the Middle East - implying putting paid to tyranny and dictatorship and empowering freedom and democracy for the region - brings joy and hope to the hearts of all the oppressed nations and the people under dictatorship and reactionary regimes. We, Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan, as a Kurdish Party that represents a significant portion of Iranian Kurds, are pleased with the United States’ support for the just rights of the Kurdish people in Iraq, wholeheartedly expecting to see such backing practically and lawfully materialized.

At the same time, as we all know, Iraq is neither the only country where Kurds live, nor the sole country where human rights are violated and freedom and democracy are trampled. For instance, our country Iran consists of ten million Kurdish people who are deprived of all their national rights and freedoms, and are also deprived of equal citizenship rights with other compatriots. The hostility shown against freedom and democracy by the Islamic Republic of Iran and its efforts directed at “exporting” terrorism abroad are facts needless of explanation, as the Islamic regime of Iran is well-known for the world community.

Accordingly, all freedom-lovers of the Middle East are anxiously awaiting to see the United States fulfill its undertakings concerning handing over Iraq’s destiny to the Iraqis and lending support to the establishment of freedom and democracy in that country. Furthermore, revitalizing the peace process between the Israelis and the Palestinians, and supporting relentlessly the struggle staged by democratic nationalist forces to eradicate dictatorship and change the political future of the Middle East.  It will be under such conditions that the United States can secure for itself the friendship and full respect of hundred millions of activists thirsty for freedom and justice in this very important region of the world.  Under such circumstances, it is by no means important how anti-democratic and despotic regimes, like the Islamic Republic of Iran, which are terrified to see the end of their anguish authority, judge the developments in question.  What is important is how the people of the region and the real future owners of the region assess the policy and conducts of the United State or any regional or international power.

In conclusion, we would like to stress on this point that we respect the decision to be taken by Iraqi people regarding determining their own destiny, and we will applaud them and other assisting forces whenever they decide on the system of government they choose to establish.

As regards to Kurdistan, we really take pride in the fact that the Iraqi Kurds and their political organizations have, over the past 12 years, been able to demonstrate a positive and successful model of self-governance before the international community, and played a decisive role in the process of the changing Iraq.  Therefore, we sincerely congratulate them, and we hope this new progress is the end of their deprivation and hardship, and together with their other compatriots, they present a successful example of peace, fraternity and brotherhood for the peoples of the neighboring countries.

Wishing all the peoples of the Middle East peace, freedom, democracy, human rights and the right to self-determination

The Central Committee of

Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan

19 April 2003



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