11 September 2003


His Excellency, Mr. Göran Persson,

The honourable Prime Minister of Sweden


Dear Mr. Persson,


The brutal assassination of Ms. Anna Lindon, the Swedish Foreign Minister and a sincere friend and supporter of the Kurds, has prompted disgust of all peoples across the world, in general, and our people, in particular. This crime clearly demonstrates once again the binding necessity of international co-operation in the sacred fight against the villainous phenomenon of terrorism in all its forms and brands.


While strongly condemning this appalling, inhumane crime, I would like – on behalf of our party and the Kurdish people in Iranian Kurdistan – to convey my most sincere condolences to you, to the Social Democratic Party of Sweden, to the Swedish government and the Swedish people, as well as to the family of Ms. Lindon, wishing you, at the same time, ample success in identifying the perpetrator(s) of this evil act and bringing them to justice.



Most Respectfully Yours,

Abdulla Hassanzadeh,


Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan   




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