Press Release: New Wave of Executions

15 October 2002


A Statement by Political Bureau

of Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan



          Following the statements issued by our Party on the 9 & 11 of this month (October 2002), concerning the execution of three activists and members of our Party, we were informed that another member of our Party, Saleh GODARZI, aged 39, was executed by the headsmen of the Islamic Regime of Iran in the prison of Sanandaj (Iranian Kurdistan) in the early morning of 13 October 2002.

          Saleh, a resident of a village in the suburb of Kamyaran (Iranian Kurdistan), joined our Party in the wake of the Islamic Republic’s reign on power. However, due to a set of troubles besetting his family, he had to leave the ranks of the Party, giving himself up to the local authorities of the regime so that he could resume his normal life. He was arrested and brutally tortured.  Though, having been freed from prison, he was constantly being prosecuted by local security agents and officials and other oppressive organs of the regime.

          In 1999, while he was working in Teheran, he was once again arrested and sent back to prison. After a while, he was returned to Sanandaj prison, where he was unjustly condemned to death and eventually executed on the aforesaid date.

           While strictly condemning this inhuman action of the regime, Political Bureau sincerely expresses its most heartfelt condolences to the honourable family of the martyred, to his relatives and the people of Kamyaran in particular, and the Kurdish people in general, expecting at the same time of international human rights organizations to condemn such criminal acts of Islamic Republic so that they would refrain from perpetrating such cruel acts.   


Political Bureau of

Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan



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