PDKI’s Politburo Declaration Regarding the 56th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Kurdistan Republic

Dear compatriots,

Valiant people of Kurdistan,

             First and foremost, on the 56th anniversary of the establishment of Kurdistan Republic, we would like to congratulate all the freedom activists, defenders of justice and rights in general and the Kurdish people in particular.  We hope that the resistance of the people of our country aimed at attaining their objectives reaches its desirable end, and once again the outcome of the Republic re-harvested.

            The establishment of the Republic on the 22nd of January 1946 governed by Democratic Party of Kurdistan and led by the remembered leader, Qazi Mohammad was an important historical event in the political life of the Kurdish people in Iranian Kurdistan.  For the first time, the Kurdish people on this part of Kurdistan obtained a considerable segment of their just rights and freedoms, and a Kurdish authority in the framework of republic was established.

            The establishment of Kurdistan Republic in 1946 was in essence meant to negate the monarchial system, and it was also an indication of the advancement of the people of Kurdistan and their deep devotion to freedom and democracy.  With the establishment of the Republic, the Kurdish people in Iran possessed their own identity and proudly experimented a period, though short, filled with precious attainments of human rights and freedoms.  Educating in Kurdish, publishing Kurdish newspapers and magazines, establishing national army, administrating the general affairs of Kurdistan by the brave Kurdish citizens, and the existence of general security, were some of these achievements that the Kurdish nation were both delighted by and proud of.

            The administrators and the officials of the Republic proved a good example of sound cooperation and mutual aid between the Kurdish people in all parts of Kurdistan.  This led the Republic to become a sanctuary for the Kurdish freedom activists from all parts of Kurdistan who considered the Republic as theirs.  In this regard, neither the leaders of the Republic or the Kurdish people in Iran regarded themselves as the proprietor nor the Kurdish activists and compatriots felt away from home.  In short, for all the Kurds Kurdistan Republic was a flaming torch that was set alight in the “Choarchira” square of Mahabad.

            The Republic also experienced a salient example of good relations between Iranian nationalities across the country, especially the two nations of Kurds and Azeris, and proved that if the conspiracies and the plots of the dictatorships ruling over the country are eliminated, the Iranian nationalities can live side by side in peace with mutual respect, and along with preserving their regional interests can also safeguard the general well-being of the country.

            It was quite natural that a populace administration embodied in human and democratic characteristics and values would have been intolerable for the dictatorship regime of Mohammad Reza Shah and its outside patrons, which led to their swift conspiratory planning against the Republic and its allied government in Azerbijan; thus, after 11 months of invasion and troops insurgency they ended the short life of these two newly established republics.

            With putting an end to the Republic, the off-springs of the Kurdish nation in Iranian Kurdistan and the strugglers of PDKI, despite the existence of excessive pressure on them did not abandon the objectives of 22nd January and the Republic of Kurdistan, and did not distance themselves from the struggle for the revival of such objectives.  After the course of 30 years of disillusioning the Republic, the Kurdish people in the direction of attaining their freedom and national rights resisted the monarchial dictatorship; a resistance accompanied by the resistance of other nationalities of Iran resulted in the overthrowing of the monarchial regime of Mohammad Reza Shah in 1979.

            With the ousting of the monarchy, the oppressed Kurdish people anticipated the establishment of freedom in Iran, and demanded the respect of their national rights, but unfortunately, the magnificent revolution of the Iranian people was very soon diverted from its principle path and distanced itself from its principle objectives.  It did not take long for the people of Kurdistan to accept this bitter reality that the newly power monopolizing regime can not bring about freedom and democracy to Iran and respond positively to the wishes and objectives of the people of our country.  That is why in the undemocratic referendum of 30 March1979 that was organized to decide on a new government system, they did not participate, and with this initiative showed considerable vigilance and awareness.

            With the forming of Islamic Republic of Iran, and the dominancy of juriscouncil dictatorship, invasion on freedom and freedom activists started, and the people of Kurdistan and PDKI were targeted by the cruelty of oppressive forces of the newly imposed regime in Iran.  In such circumstances, there were no other alternatives except defense and resistance, and the people of Kurdistan put ahead of themselves a conceited struggle that still continues.  Even though if at the beginning it was only the Kurdish people and PDKI who had revealed the backwarded and anti-freedom nature of the regime, now all the people of Iran are aware of this reality and have realized that Islamic Republic is the enemy of freedom and the just and humane objectives of the people of Iran.  In general, it has now been evident to the world public opinion that this regime not only does not deserve to rule over Iran, but it also contradicts the modern developed world.  These realities are so apparent and blatant that even a number of elements within the ruling camps confess to.  As a result of these bitter realities some sorts of reformist thinking has emerged among the regime’s authorities who are concerned about their grips to power see some reforms as vital while the general public in Iran see the realization of their just rights and freedom in the collapse of the regime; however, the rulers of the regime neither accept the democratic demands of the people of Iran nor seem to be willing to tolerate these very limited reforms that have been proposed by the reformists within the ruling camp to extend the remaining days of the regime.

            The backwarded essence and the conspiratory role of the Islamic Republic in the last few months, and in regard to some international, regional and internal matters have been so evident that leaves the regime with no chance of denial and justifications.  This has caused the emergence of a fresh and widespread wave of abhorrence and disgust against the regime that threatens the anti-populace authority of the Islamic Republic, and also concerns its leaders over their fragile destiny.  It is not a remote possibility that along with widening concerns of the regime’s leaders, their pressure over freedom activists and their attacks over the people’s freedom increases; however, there is no doubt that these oppressions and pressures not only do not impede the process of broadening struggle against the regime, rather it will enhance it, and finally overthrow the dictatorship.

            The 22nd of January for the Kurdish people and PDKI is not only the remembrance of an important historical event, but it is also renewing pledges with the founders and the objectives of the Republic in the direction of ongoing struggle until the realization of their objectives, freedom and democracy all over Iran.

The Politburo of Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan

22 January 2002
