Published by the International Bureau of PDKI |
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It is fair to admit that it has been a while that the Kurds in Iran have not been present in the international media. Iranian Kurds have become very active in the world of wide web in the last several years, and there are hopeful signs of improvements, support and success in these fields. Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan have started to go further ahead to produce this bulletin to further involve in and educate the English speaking community with events and issues regarding this segment of the Iranian society and this part of the Kurdish geographical entity. This magazine is a comprehensive bit of work, reflective of events and occurrences of Iranian Kurdistan. Even though the periodical is sponsored by PDKI, and mainly reflects the Iranian Kurdistan from the perspectives of a democratic-nationalist movement, it is tolerant enough to accommodate other Iranian and Kurdish viewpoints.
It should be
noted that there is no specific publishing date or period set for the
bulletin, but it is hoped to be published quarterly at least, and it might be
published more often depending on the amount of support it will attract among
the English speaking Kurds, especially those living abroad.
The bulletin’s general structure is as follow:
coverage of major world events and their impact on the region and
Iran, and related works on Iran and the Kurdish region in Iran, and the
PDKI’s press releases regarding these important events.
News in brief, especially those related to the violation of human
rights in Iran in general and Kurdistan in particular by the regime in power
will also to be found within the pages.
In addition, since Socialist International closely monitors the
Kurdish issue and coordinates with the Kurdish forces especially PDKI, a
section is also devoted to the activities of this international organization.
Finally, every issue will consist of a press review of world media,
where an article on Iran or the Kurds will be published.
Also parts of the activities and international efforts of restless
Iranian Kurds will also be integrated in this magazine. The
first issue covers the events of the last few months; from the most tragic
event of September 11th in the United States to the latest
barbaric execution and death-sentences in Iran.
Regarding the issue of terrorism it covers Iranian Kurds’ stance and
position concerning inhumane act of terror in general and Iranian clerics’
connection with the network of terror, and its demagogue, Osama Bin Laden in
particular. We look forward to your support.
First and foremost, on the anniversary of the Republic of Kurdistan’s establishment, we would like to congratulate all the freedom activists, defenders of justice and rights in general and the Kurdish people in particular. We hope that our people’s strife to attain their objectives reaches its desirable end, and the accomplishments of the Republic are once again realized.
The establishment of the Republic on the 22nd of January 1946
governed by Democratic Party of Kurdistan and led by the remembered leader,
Qazi Mohammad was an important historical event in the political life of the
Kurdish people in Iranian Kurdistan. For
the first time, the Kurdish people on this part of Kurdistan obtained a
considerable segment of their just rights and freedoms, and a Kurdish
authority in the framework of republic was established.
The establishment of Kurdistan Republic in 1946 was in essence meant
to negate the monarchial system, and it was also an indication of the
advancement of the people of Kurdistan and their deep devotion to freedom and
democracy. With the
establishment of the Republic, the Kurdish people in Iran possessed their own
identity and proudly experimented a period, though short, filled with
precious attainments of human rights and freedoms:
Educating in Kurdish, publishing Kurdish newspapers and magazines,
establishing national army, administrating the general affairs of Kurdistan
by the fellow Kurdish citizens, and the existence of general security, were
some of these achievements that the Kurdish nation were both delighted by and
proud of.
The administrators and the officials of the Republic proved a good
example of sound cooperation and mutual aid between the Kurds in all parts of
Kurdistan. This led the Republic
to become a sanctuary for the Kurdish freedom activists from all parts of
Kurdistan who considered the Republic as theirs.
In this regard, neither the leaders of the Republic or the Kurdish
people in Iran regarded themselves as the proprietor nor the Kurdish
activists nor compatriots felt alien to the Republic.
In short, for all the Kurds, Kurdistan Republic was a flaming
torch that was set alight in the “Choarchira” square of Mahabad.
The Republic also experienced a salient example of good relations
between Iranian nationalities across the country, especially the two nations
of Kurds and Azeris, and proved that if the conspiracies and the plots of the
dictatorships ruling over the country are eliminated, the Iranian
nationalities can live side by side in peace and harmony that along with
preserving their regional interests can also safeguard the general well-being
of the country. Qazi
Muhammad and his cabinet members
It was quite natural that a populace administration embodied in human
and democratic characteristics and values would have been intolerable for the
dictatorship regime of Mohammad Reza Shah, which led to their swift
conspiratory planning against the Republic and its allied government in
Azerbijan; thus, after 11 months of invasion and troops insurgency, they
ended the short life of these two newly established republics.
Despite putting an end to the
Republic, the off-springs of the Kurdish nation in Iranian Kurdistan and the
strugglers of PDKI - despite the existence of excessive pressure - did not
abandon the objectives of 22nd January and the Republic of
Kurdistan, and distance themselves from the struggle for the revival of such
objectives. After the course of
30 years of disillusioning the Republic, the Kurdish people in the direction
of attaining their freedom and national rights resisted the monarchial
dictatorship; a resistance accompanied by the struggle of other nationalities
of Iran resulted in the overthrowing of the
monarchial regime of Mohammad Reza Shah in 1979.
With the ousting of the monarchy, the oppressed Kurdish people
anticipated the establishment of freedom in Iran, and demanded the respect of
their national rights, but unfortunately, the magnificent revolution of the
Iranian people was very soon diverted from its principle path and distanced
itself from its principle objectives. It
did not take long for the people of Kurdistan to accept this bitter reality
that the newly power monopolizing regime could not bring about freedom and
democracy to Iran and respond positively to the wishes and objectives of the
people of our country. That is
why in the undemocratic referendum of 30 March 1979 orchestrated to set-up a
new dictatorship, they did not participate, and with this initiative they
showed considerable vigilance and awareness.
With the forming of Islamic Republic of Iran, and the dominancy of
juriscouncil, invasion on freedom and freedom activists started, and the
people of Kurdistan and PDKI were targeted by the cruelty of oppressive
forces of the newly imposed regime in Iran.
In such circumstances, there were no other alternatives except defense
and resistance, and the people of Kurdistan put ahead of themselves a
conceited struggle that still continues.
Even though if at the beginning it was only the Kurdish people and
PDKI who had revealed the backwarded and anti-freedom nature of the regime,
now all the people of Iran are aware of this reality and have realized that
Islamic Republic is the enemy of freedom and the just and humane objectives
of the people of Iran. In
general, it has now been evident to the world public opinion that this regime
not only does not deserve to rule over Iran, but it also contradicts the
modern developed world. These
realities are so apparent and blatant that even a number of elements within
the ruling camps confess to. As
a result of these bitter realities some sorts of reformist thinking has
emerged among the regime’s authorities - who are concerned about their
grips to power - see some reforms as vital while the general public in Iran
see the realization of their just rights and freedom in the collapse of the
regime; however, the rulers of the regime neither accept the democratic
demands of the people of Iran nor seem to be willing to tolerate these very
limited reforms that have been proposed by the reformists within the ruling
camp to extend the remaining days of the regime.
The backwarded essence and the conspiratory role of the Islamic
Republic in the last few months, and in regard to some international,
regional and internal matters have been so evident that leaves the regime
with no chance of denial and justifications.
This has caused the emergence of a fresh and widespread wave of
abhorrence and disgust against the regime that threatens the anti-populace
authority of the Islamic Republic, and also concerns its leaders over their
fragile destiny. It is not a remote possibility that along with the regime’s
leaders widening concerns, their pressure over freedom activists and their
attacks over the people’s freedom increase; however, there is no doubt that
these oppressions and pressures do not impede the process of broadening
struggle against the regime, rather it will enhance it, and finally overthrow
the dictatorship. The 22nd of January for the Kurdish people and PDKI is not only the remembrance of an important historical event, but it is also renewing pledges with the founders and the objectives of the Republic in the direction of ongoing struggle until the realization of their objectives - freedom and democracy all over Iran. The
Politburo of Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan 22 January 2002
The Regime of Islamic Republic’s condemnation by the UN Human Rights Commission: On November 30th, the UNHRC condemned the Islamic Republic regime overwhelmingly on the accounts of executing the youth under 18, sexual, national and religious discrimination, trial of intellectuals behind closed doors, violation of freedom of expression and etc...
This is the 20th occasion that the UN has condemned the Islamic
Republic for its violation of human rights.
Aside from UNHRC, several other international organizations defending
human rights such as Human Rights Watch, Federation in Defense of Human
Rights, the Organization of Journalists Without Borders, the Organization of
Doctors Without Borders, and many other institutions and organizations have
condemned the regime on numerous occasion and have demanded the regime to
abandon its violation of human rights and respect the UN approved norms, and
reconsider the articles of Human Rights Declaration that the regime is a
The human rights story in Iran under the authority of Islamic Republic
has been eventful and tragic: once this regime had seized power, attacks on
rights and freedoms of the Iranian people, mass executions, the massacre of
civilian population, violation of political, civil and cultural freedoms, the
assassination of hundreds of opponents, the closure of mass publications,
excessive imprisonment and torture, stoning women, sexual, religious and
ethnic discriminations, hasty trials behind closed doors and dozens of other
assaults against the people of our country have been common practice.
Islamic Republic’s condemnation
for the twentieth time by the UNHRC and other centers and institutions
defending human rights, even
though for the further enlightening of public opinion on the nature of this
regime is appropriate and useful, it has not been able to force this regime
to cease its tragic actions. The
regime on one hand has agreed and signed the Human Rights Declaration, and on
the other its constitution exceedingly is contradictory with this
Declaration. This on the other
hand reveals the incapacity of UN that recognizes these regimes as the
representatives of the people of these countries, and recognizes a regime
that its constitution contradicts the international conventions; furthermore,
it represents the deceitfulness of the regime that to establish a foundation
for itself, and for trade with the world outside - contrary to its beliefs -
has accepted such declarations and conventions.
The rulers of the regime particularly the hardliners have gone beyond
the frontiers of the constitution in violating human rights that are clearly
in violation of the Articles of Human Rights.
regime was condemned while the trial of numerous activists of “Freedom
Movement” is underway behind closed bars; several independent newspapers
that until recently had not been closed, were shut down; several ratified
resolutions by the Parliament were overturned by the supervisory organ of the
Guardian of Council and Expediency Council; now that the maximum capacity of
the Iran’s prisons are only 70000 people, 170000 prisoners exist in the
prisons of our country! The
violation of human rights in our country and excess in dictatorship has
alienated reform and fundamental changes from the public perception in the
context of the regime of Islamic Republic.
In internal issues and events of our country, the signs of clearing
doubts regarding bringing reform to this system, and the realization of Khatami’s
wishful slogans in the framework of the constitution that he is working for,
is apparent. The reformist camp
within the last 5 years that had been victorious in elections has not been
willing and has not even been able to bring about any reform to make the
conditions of the people of our country better. If the UNHRC condemns the actions of this regime due to its violation of human rights, and as usual asks the regime to consider international conventions and norms in protecting human rights, the people of our country have been left with no expectation from the regime, and consider the distinction of the regime as their only alternative.
On Tuesday, September 11, a series of terrorist attacks were carried out against the American political, military and economic establishments that resulted in the killing of thousands of innocent people.
The terrorist attacks, along with the US, shocked the world and resulted in
the emergence of a unique wave of anger and disgust against terrorism,
terrorist states and groups on the world stage.
PDKI also heavily condemned this act of terror, and communicated its
sympathy to the relatives of the victims, and the people of America. For further clarification of PDKI’s position in this regard KURDISTAN felt it needed to bring up some questions with, Mamosta Abdullah Hassanzadeh, the Secretary-general of PDKI: KURDISTAN:
The latest terrorist event in the US, in many aspects, was a distinct one.
Where do you find the importance of such a chain of attacks and how
do you anticipate its impacts and end-results? *MAMOSTA:
One thing that distinguishes these chains of terrorist attacks from previous
ones is that these terrorists violated all the known and even the unknown
borders of ruthlessness. If
previously one would be willing to sacrifice his/her life to attack the
enemies, this time the terrorists used the lives of thousands of civilians
and unaware people as a tool to attack the establishments and institutions
targeted for their strike; a commercial plane that had taken off from a
civilian airport, and boarded hundreds of people with various political,
religious and social beliefs for a non-military destination, where hundreds
and thousands of people had expected the moment of a safe landing with their
loved-ones on board. While after several hours, news spreads that they have
been victims of an inhumane plan to victimize thousands of other people.
This is a crime that human history must remember reprehensibly.
Besides, this terrorist act was in reality a disgracing act against
all the world states and nations, and at the same time, it was a declaration
of hatred war against all humanity. All
those who lost their lives in the 4 planes and in the Pentagon and the World
Trade Centre, belonged to different nations and were citizens of different
countries, so I can confidently state that among them existed followers of
all religions, and philosophical thoughts and beliefs. Based on this, I deeply hope that world nations and countries realize the depth of the tragedy the way it is, and all collectively, hand in hand, strive to root out terrorism in all its forms and methods any where in the world. If we look at the issue realistically, we will admit that so far there have been numerous states and powers that until a real threat to their interests, they have not only ignored acts of terror and turned a blind eye on them, they have also sheltered terrorists and even harboured them. However, this heart-breaking tragedy must awaken all of them and get their attention to this reality that if all of us, together, do not work to root out terrorism, no one can be safe from the tragic results of this hideous and dreadful trend. Only and only, with obliterating terrorism, we can say that the revenge of the September 11th crime has been sought. KURDISTAN:
It seems that the Americans and their allies’ reaction to this chain of
terrorist operations might be in the form of military attack.
Such attacks, to some degrees, might lead to the direct or indirect
involvement of some of the countries in the region in the war, and possible
spread of more terrorist operations globally.
What is your opinion in this regard?
There is no doubt that if enough evidence exists on any one’s
involvement, the US government and its allies cannot and should not remain
silent, and should bring the suspects to justice.
I think any individual defending justice and liberty also supports
such an initiative. I hope that
revenge sentiments will not blindfold the parties involved to attack
individuals, and government haltingly, without presenting any evidences,
while real convicts disappear in the shadows.
Hastiness in seeking revenge and expressing reaction might lead to
the danger that instead of punishing the real perpetrators of a terrorist
act, another act of terror is committed. I repeat; if objectives are not determined calculatingly, and a country is revengefully targeted based on merely doubt, such initiatives will not assist the eradication of terrorism, mainly because on one hand the real perpetrators will easily escape, and start planning more horrifying conspiracies fearlessly, and on the other, those who have been targeted unfairly, the fury of retribution will be built up, and in this case another possible rounds of future terrorist attacks and cross retributions might take place. The end-results every time would lead to the targeting and killing of innocent individuals in a country in one corner of the world. KURDISTAN:
Unfortunately, still when the western states and world’s decision making
centers talk about combating terrorism and its eradication, they mean those
groups and countries that have threatened and will continue to threaten
their direct interests, not a terrorism that has set as its priority
oppressing the will of the oppressed people; therefore, how can we be
hopeful and optimistic to this international determination that has
apparently come into existence. MAMOSTA:
The fundamental reason of the existence and dispersal of the day-to-day
terrorism is that unfortunately, countries and international forces do not
hold a similar measurement for events confronting them.
For instance, if an opposition force plans a terrorist act, the
international community condemns it vigorously; however, if the government
forces conduct similar act against the opposition, they rarely criticize
them. Or as you had phrased it
in your question, if the attack threatens them or endangers their interests,
they consider it as terrorism. While
if it does not threaten their interest, they turn a blind eye on the matter.
In such cases, the terrorist act whomever behind it (the state or the
opposition groups) they are indifferent. As long as equal criterias are not accepted by all, and the decision-making centers in international arena do not view and confront terrorism equally – regardless of who commits it or against whom it is committed – we can not be hopeful and optimistic to any international resolutions and regional or international alliances fighting terrorism. In contrary, the existence of various standards and factions can, to some degree, create terrorist competition among governmental and non-governmental groups and agencies. In such circumstances, it is quite natural that we cannot consider such cooperations as the crystallization of international community’s joint effort to eradicate terrorism. There are not few states that while they have a dark history in terrorist activities, consider themselves as the combatants of terrorism, and they even consider themselves as the victims of terrorism. KURDISTAN:
In the PDKI’s Politburo Communiqué – regarding the latest chain of
terrorist attacks in the US – it has been hoped that “instead of going
after a few terrorists, strive to eradicate the roots of terrorism and the
causes that result in such repulsive inhumane deeds!” Is it possible to
shed some light on the Party’s purpose of ‘causes and factors’? MAMOSTA:
What has been stated in the communiqué, the first part is very clear and
does not need much clarification. It
implies that when a few criminals commit a terrorist act, although
penalizing these individuals is a fair and just initiative, it is not a
sound method of eradicating or even deminishing terrorism.
If the sources of this phenomenon are not rooted out, those who
harbour terrorists, provide them with logistics, travel documents, and other
transportation facilities, and reach to their rescue in emergencies, can
prepare dozens of other terrorists replacing a terrorist brought to justice.
Therefore, the power source of state forces must be targeted that are
the main source of hope, power, financial and logistic capabilities of the
However, the second part of the phrasing that talks about eliminating
the causes of inclining towards inhumane and indecent acts of terrorism,
needs a more deliberate analysis: The
truth is that terrorism (Even though terrorism from PDKI perspective is
inhumane and unacceptable regardless of its forms and means) has not emerged
solely by itself. The source of this phenomenon is the oppression of some
rulers on one hand, and the powerlessness of the oppressed on the other;
meaning, those who have experienced cruelty, or at least, they have
considered themselves oppressed, lacked the power to directly fight for
their trampled rights and freedoms; furthermore, unable to convey their cry
beyond their borders, they have helplessly considered a route to inflict
heavy blows to their enemies without leaving any trace of themselves.
Of course these attempts started with very basic instruments, but
with time they have also been “modernized”, and has reached a stage
where it occasionally sneaks out of the World Wide Web.
Therefore, those who want to eradicate terrorism must take a glance
at the distribution of power in regional and international stage, and root
out all the injustice without partisanship and fanaticism, and do not allow
such adherences to be built up among the powerless and the oppressed.
Lately an American specialist made a good point:
He stated that the US must review its internal and external policies,
and must deal with any deficiencies that exist: [The US] instead of relying
heavily on modern technology in gathering intelligence, must turn to
utilizing more “human factors”. I
think it is evident to most of us that the causes of September 11th
attack and the success of the invaders was primarily due to the fact that
security agencies relied on modern technology overlooking the fact that
modern technology despite all of its order and effectiveness, can not
replace human force at all times.
This specialist in his words had many considerable points, but the
part that I intended to elaborate in this regard was the fact that the US
needed to review its policies. When
a tragic event such as the one in Washington and New York that shocked the
world, follows by celebrations of crowds– though very small – in Lebanon
and Palestine, it is appropriate that the US rethink that there might exist
some inadequacy in the Middle East policy of this country, especially in the
Arab-Israeli conflict. KURDISTAN:
We would like to devote our last question to the deceiving stands of the
Islamic Republic in regards to September 11th.
In your opinion, can the authorities of the regime relinquish their
dark record and this terrorist regime from the public mind by apparently
combating terrorism and their deceitful sympathy with the American people? MAMOSTA:
Even though it might seem pessimistic, I think most of the authorities in
Iran were happy in their heart with the event of September 11th.
Their positive reaction was based on two reasons: first avoiding
possible negative perceptions in world public opinion, and more importantly,
escaping possible attacks directed against terrorists and their
collaborators. However, if we
put it this way that even if these authorities condemned the act, and
truthfully sympathized with the tragedy, it is not fair in any way to
consider it as an indication of confronting or fighting terrorism. In the period of more than 20 years of Islamic Republic’s
ruling, thousands of terrorists have been trained to crack down on the
internal and external opponents of the regime who have carried out many
terrorist acts. We have
not exaggerated if we state that Islamic Republic is the only state that has
been condemned in a reputable court for carrying out terrorist acts.
We know that the regime has assassinated hundreds of PDKI cadres and
members that among them the names of our two great leaders, Dr. Ghassemlou
and Dr. Sharafkandi are apparent. In
such circumstances, the alligator tears of some of the officials of the
regime cannot and should not divert public opinion on the nature of the
regime. The leaders of the
regime can join the world coalition against terrorism only if they condemn
their twenty years of terrorist history, hand over to justice those guilty
of all these crimes in these 23 years, and finally apologize publicly to all
the victims and the people of Iran. Otherwise,
when Mr. ‘Mohammad Khatami’ cannot condemn the assault on his closest
allies, how can we take serious his and his government’s anti-terrorist
If the world outside wants to root out the sources of terrorism, they
cannot bewilder themselves from this reality that one of the largest
terrorist harboring and training state in the world is Islamic Republic.
Any inconsideration of such reality is a crime against freedom,
justice, democracy and human rights. *Mamosta is the Secretary-general Abdullah Hassanzadeh’s nickname.
PDKI Press Release Regarding the Tragedy in the USA Yesterday
before noon Washington time, a series of organized terrorist attacks using
several hijacked airplanes were conducted against political, military and
economic centers of the United States of America. Both World Trade Centre towers in New York were destroyed and
a considerable segment of the Pentagon, the American Defense Headquarters was
also damaged. According to the sources concerned, in these terrorist attempts thousands of people have lost their lives or been seriously injured, and beyond this, the moral of the people in this country has been hurt ferociously, and financial damage is estimated to amount to billions of dollars.
What group or state has planned and executed such a criminal act is not yet
known, especially when the terrorists themselves have been killed along with
the victims. But the important
issue is that as it was expected these terrorist actions were confronted with
worldwide anger and abhorrence, and condemned globally.
It is not a remote possibility that the planners of this crime against
humanity might be among those who have condemned it, in which case their aim
is to mislead others, thus escaping contempt by the international public
opinion. Regardless
of the fact that who has been behind the Tuesday’s deadly criminal actions,
Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan, which has never restored to any
antagonist terrorist attempts on one hand, and it has suffered greatly from
being a victim of terrorist attacks itself on the other, strongly condemns
this inhumane actions. On these
shocking moments, we present our condolences to all the relatives of the
victims of this crime and to the people of the United States of America,
wishing those injured or affected in this tragic event instantaneous remedy.
The occurrence of such a human tragedy requires comprehensive and
scientific analysis that no doubt the experts and the bodies investigating
the case will carry out within weeks and months ahead.
The only issue that needs to be addressed in this regard is that it
must be said that we should hope the states and the decision making centers
worldwide are awakened by this tragic event, and instead of thinking of
punishing a few terrorists, they must attempt to stamp out the roots of
terrorism and eradicate its causes that bring about such repulsive and
inhumane events. With condemning terrorism any where in the world and in all its forms. The
Political Bureau of Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan 2001/9/12
Another Wave of Executions of Kurdish freedom activists in Iranian dungeon The
regime of Islamic Republic, on Thursday morning, January 24, 2002 carried out
the death-sentence of Karim TOUJALI, another Kurdish activist in the yard of
intelligence building in Mahabad, and so far (at the time of this press
release, Friday evening) the authorities have refrained from handing his body
over to his family.
Mr. Toujhali was born in 1968 in the village of “Toujhal”
located in the township of Sardasht; he had established contacts with
PDKI in 1982, and in 1986 he joined the ranks of freedom fighters of PDKI in
the Sardasht region, and he remained an active Party member until
He resigned from his political activeness with PDKI in 1996, and to
seek refuge headed to Turkey to find a safe haven in a third country.
In 1998, Turkish police in cooperation and coordination of the
intelligence pawns of Iran handed him over to the regime of Islamic Republic.
It is evident that it is not the first time that the Turkish police
have outreached the Islamic Republic for handing over freedom activists, and
have caused their imprisonment and execution.
Mr. Toujhali was under inquiry and torture from his detainment
to his execution in the prisons of Mahabad, Sardasht and Urumieh.
The execution of Mr. Toujhali took place while he had resigned from
political activeness, and contrary to regime’s claims, on one hand, it is
an indication of cruelty and aggressiveness of the regime against the Kurdish
combatants, and on the other hand it is a sign of another emerging wave of
executing Iranian Kurdish freedom activists that currently a large number of
them are held in the prisons of the regime.
We, along with condemning this crime, we expect from all the Iranian
and world freedom activists, organization defending human rights, and all the
international humanitarian associations to endeavor to divulge the latest
crime of the regime of Islamic republic and prevent the killing of Iranian
freedom activists, particularly the Kurds, and demand from the Turkish
government to prevent further hand-over of Kurdish refugees to the regime of
Islamic Republic of Iran. The
regime of Islamic Republic must also know well that imprisonment, torture,
massacring opponents and intellectual, have not frightened the devotees and
followers of freedom, and will not disappoint and discourage them from
fighting against the regime. We
along with expressing our deep sadness against this crime, convey our
condolences to the family members of
Toujhali, the people of Sardasht region, all the sympathizers,
members, cadres and freedom fighters of our Party. Political
Bureau of Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan The
Regime of Islamic Republic that has expanded the scope of oppressing its
opponents, and in its own fanciful dreams wants in this way and by
intimidating the freedom-loving people of Iran add a few more days to the
existence of its inhumane authority, executed the death sentence of Karim
TOUJALI, an ex-member of Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI) on
Thursday morning, 24 January 2002 in the backyard of intelligence building of
Mahabad. Mr. TOUJALI who had become a member of PDKI in 1982, remained active among the PDKI’s ranks, until he withdrew his status as an active
party member, and headed to Turkey to seek refuge in a third country.
After two years of waiting for the acceptance of his claim as a
refugee from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), he
was captured by Turkish police in 1998, and handed over to the intelligence
officials of Islamic Republic of Iran contrary to all international measures
and agreements. It
is worthy to note that this is not the first time that the Turkish government
has taken anti-humane measures to hand over the freedom lovers of our country
to the regime of Islamic Republic, which has led to their imprisonment or
execution by this criminal regime. We,
along with condemning this criminal act, warn all public opinions, and
organizations defending human rights that based on some reliable sources the execution
of Karim TOUJALI is the beginning of another wave of executing Iranian
Kurdish freedom activists who have been held captives in the prisons of the
regime, and their death verdicts have been issued from the unlawful courts. Below, we enclose the names of those honourable captives in the dungeons of the regime of Islamic Republic that the danger of death threatens every moment of their lives; furthermore, along with reciting their place of imprisonment, we call upon all the international organizations and institutions defending human rights, particularly UNHRC and Amnesty International that along with condemning this criminal act of executing Karim TOUJALI, to take action immediately with adopting necessary measures to save the lives of other prisoners. We also call upon the UNHCR to arrive at more deliberate and conscious conclusions on the faith
of thousands of Iranian refugees that have fled the atrocities of the regime
ruling their homeland, and are anxious in Turkey to reach a safe haven.
At the end, being indifferent to the faith of these defenseless
people, and their deportation to the criminal regime of Islamic Republic of
Iran, in essence only entails their arrival at the torture houses, prisons,
and hanging sites of the regime. 1-GHADERI,
Hamza, year and place of imprisonment: 1997, Urumieh 2-
MAHMUDI, Hasan, 1997, Urumieh 3-
SHOGHI, Khaled, 1997, Urumieh 4-
VIESI, Kheder, 1998, Urumieh 5-
SHAHRVERANI, Muhammad, 1998, Mahabad 6-
GUDARZI, Saleh, 1999, Sanandaj 7-
FARAIDUNI, Khaled, 2000, Mahabad 8- AFANI, Nader, 2000, Mahabad
The Accommodation of the Demands of the Peoples of Iran Threatens National Security of the Country?!
the recent presidential election in Iran, and the forming of the new cabinet,
some changes also occurred in the administrations in various levels of
government across the country. One
of these changes was the appointment of new governor-general for some
provinces, one of them being the province of Kurdistan.
The appointment of the new governor-general for the province resulted
in the dissension of some of the representatives of the province in the
Iranian Islamic Assembly where all the MPs in the province regarded
the Interior Ministry’s initiative as a blunder in their published
communiqué in early October. In
their letter, they had stated that “Unfortunately, in the era of broaching
the slogan of ‘competency’, ‘rule of law’, ‘Iran for all the
Iranians’, and ‘people-first’, not only any attention has been paid to
the qualified Kurdish and Sunni electorates, but the authorities have also
turned a blind eye on their demands.”
In other section of the communiqué, the MPs along with criticizing
the unresponsive attitude of the government regarding the demands of the
people of Kurdistan, and also warning the Interior Ministry and the
negligence officials of the outcome of such an initiative, had requested that
“the government must either officially abandon the slogan of
‘people-first’ and ‘competency’ or must be answerable to the demands
of the people who bring their demands to the forefront via their
representatives.” At the end
of the communiqué, the people have been called “along remaining patient,
calm, and avoiding violence” to
allow their representatives to legally follow-up on their demands.
These representatives, later on
September 30th, on the basis of government’s negligence and
inattention to the issues that are considered as the legitimate demands of
the people, collectively declared their resignation as MPs. In their
resignation letter, they had shifted their attention to the speaker of the
House, and stated that “According to Article 92 of internal regulation of Majlis,
and due to Mr. Khatami’s governmental negligence, especially the Interior
Ministry’s to the legal and legitimate demands of the honourable people of
Kurdistan, failing to fulfill the principle of Article 15 and 19 of the
Constitution, and granting equal right to the Kurds, especially the Sunni
Kurds (who compose 90% of the Kurds), Article 21 of the Constitution that
promotes the development of justice, and espouses the people’s rights, and
the government’s failure to pay attention to solve the fundamental issues
of the Kurdish people, resign from representing the Kurdish people.”
is worth mentioning that at the end of September, too a number of
administrators and officials of the Kurdish province addressed a letter to
the President, and requested that the governor-general of the province should
remain in his post; furthermore, one of the MPs in an open letter to the
President and the Interior Ministry stated that while appointing new
governor-general for the Province, the demands of the people of the province
should be considered; furthermore, the municipal councils of the province,
and various councils in Kurdistan by sending letter and various written memos
to the President, expressed their opposition to the formats used to appoint
the new governor-general for the province, and the government’s lack of
attention to the public opinions in general.
The group of Kurdistan province
representatives in their clarification in regards to their resignation,
listed specific political, social, economic and cultural deficiencies facing
the Kurdish people as their main reason for such a measure.
According to these representatives – in their interviews with the
reporters – in fact the appointment of the governor-general without
consulting them had only fast-forwarded the process of their decision that
they had apparently prepared to execute a year ago; meaning their current
position has not been a sudden decision, but as a result of the continuing
neglected policies of the government to the conditions, and the demands of
the people in the region.
The emergence of a collective
Kurdish opposition in Majlis, taking advantage of the avenues within
the strict rules and regulations of the regime of Islamic Republic of Iran,
the development of public opposition, the inattention of the regime’s
authorities to the demands of the people’s representatives and the
appointed administrators and officials of the province, has apparently led to
the heightening of the process of resignation measures that these
representatives had decided to take a year ago.
Whatever publicity the action of
the representatives has claimed in public opinions is essential in its own
context, and we do not want to elaborate very much on this aspect of the
issue; rather what is important here is the harsh and arrogant reaction of
some of the country’s officials in regards to the decision that has been
reached according to legal statues and principles of Majlis; a
reaction that has been the viewpoint of the high-ranking state officials, and
the official policy of the regime in regards to the oppressed and ill-treated
In response to their resignation, Ali
Mohaghar, the Parliamentary deputy of the Interior Ministry stated:
“resignation either in Gilan, Kurdistan or in Sistan and Baluchestan is not
in the best interest of Iran.” He
then added: “Our friends in the provinces must not be so sensitive to
regionalism; we are all Muslims and Iranians.”
Shakouri-Zadeh, a member of Parliamentary commission and from the
Participation Front Fraction in Majlis, in an interview with
parliamentary reporters expressed his opinion in this regard as follow: “We
will not support the increasing demands of national minorities, and we
believe discussing such issues threatens our national security, but national
minorities have some rights that can not be ignored.”
He also reminded us: “Ethnic issues must not dominate national
the position taken by Mousavi-Lari, the Interior Minster in response
to the collective resignation of the representatives is even more striking.
He, in the ceremony of appointing new governor-generals and
farewelling the previous ones in the city of Sanandaj (Capital of Kurdistan
province), stated: ”I will not accept the programs and propositions that
have ethnic tendencies.” Mousavi-lari
also elaborated that “wishful assumptions and fanciful self-separations
that weaken national unity and solidarity must be discarded.”
The Interior Ministry also along with referring to the fact that these
sorts of secessionism that might lead to disintegration, are the main
obstacles on the path of reform affirmed: “In circumstances that the public
in general look into the constitution for shaping the country’s destiny,
magnifying these issues is out of context.”
these responses, the demands of the representatives, though basic, have been
labeled as ‘regionalist’, ‘threatening national security’,
‘prioritizing ethnic issues over national matters’, ‘disintegration
tendencies due to self-separation’, ‘obstacles ahead of reform’, and
also ‘hollow and non-sense proposals’, and are weighed with such scales.
These accusations and labelings are reminders of those rusty guns that
were used by the authorities of the Shah’s regime, and now the rulers of
the Islamic Republic utilize them against the oppressed and revolted people
of our country. In the culture of these so-called governmental-reformists – but in reality back-warded chauvinists – the request of maintaining a Kurdish governor-general in one of the Kurdish provinces leads to secession, demanding one of the most fundamental human rights such as education in mother tongue by a nation that is deprived of all of its rights, is considered as ‘excessive ethnic demands’, and the emphasis on this issue leads to threatening ‘national security’ of these folks, and a sign of ‘domination of ethnic issues over national matters’, the collective resignation of the representatives of a Kurdish province leads to ‘national disintegration’ due to ‘self-separation that are hollow and non-sense’ and ‘obstacles on the path of reforms’ in the hearts and minds of the claimants of ‘promoters of civil society’. It is clear that Iran is a multi-ethnic state, and in this era, the nationalist or nationalist-oriented issues become the leading conflicts of any current and future governments in Iran; moreover, the level of success of any government and state will surely depend on the level of consideration of multi-ethnicity by these governments and drafting of a suitable framework so that the demands of all the people of Iran are regarded and respected. In connection with the current administration, it should be said that it is not possible to trust the slogans of ‘Iran for all the Iranians’, while the participation of representatives and administrators of the oppressed minorities are restricted in the governing of the country. Are propounding ‘regionalism’ and ‘disintegration tendency’ and ‘hollowness’, ‘obstacles to reform’, ‘threatening national security’ and etc...not against the most fundamental and apparent demands of the oppressed people of our country, the continuation of the same belief of ‘centralization’? Is the stipulation of basic and clear demands should be responded with defeated policies and proposals of ‘Kurdistan, Yazd, Isfahan, and Kerman are all equal’? The claimants of reformism and civil society must well understand that in our country, without responding to the just demands of oppressed nations, talking about development, reform, stepping towards growth and development, and the establishment of ‘people-oriented society’ is not more than a fantasy. They must accept the fact that national security without the active participations of all the people of Iran is unattainable. These active and intelligent participation become reality when all the people of Iran have equal rights, and this is when we should be satisfied with our national security and sovereignty. The Department of States Travel Warning to Iran The
Department of State warned U.S. citizens to carefully consider the risks of
travel to Iran and recommended that Americans who travel there exercise
caution. According to the US Department of States the Kurdish northwest of
the country, the area near the Iraqi border, and the Baluchistan border area
near Pakistan and Afghanistan are generally not safe for tourism. The
warning also warns that “the Iranian President Khatami has conducted
a "Dialogue Among Civilizations" under the sponsorship of the
United Nations, and called for an increase in private exchanges between
Iranians and Americans - and some limited exchanges have taken place.
However, given that some elements of the Iranian government and population
remain hostile to the United Sates, that the Iranian political situation
remains volatile, and that some areas of the country are unsafe for tourism,
Americans should exercise caution in deciding whether to travel to Iran, and
where to go within the country.” The U.S. government does not currently have diplomatic or consular relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Iranian government does not recognize dual. In addition, U.S. citizens of Iranian origin who are considered by Iran to be Iranian citizens have been detained and harassed by Iranian authorities. Former Muslims who have converted to other religions, as well as persons who encourage Muslims to convert, are subject to arrest and possible execution. The Iranian government reportedly has the names of all individuals who filed claims against Iran, and who received awards, at the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal at The Hague pursuant to the 1981 Algerian Accords.
In this visit, first, Mr. Pasario along with greeting
Hijri, and appraising the long friendly relations between the two
parties, reiterated Socialist Party’s support for the Kurdish cause in
concerning countries. The two
sides exchanged views on current Iranian affairs, including the reformist
movement and the current situation in Iranian Kurdistan. Hijri, along with presenting our Party’s analysis of
the existing circumstances, reaffirmed our Party’s support for the
reformist freedom-loving movement of our country.
In regards to Mr. Khatami and his promises, he stated that
unfortunately Mr. Khatami has not only been unable to stick to his words, but
he has also become a speed-bump on the road to reform.
On the position of PDKI in regards
to the relations of the West, particularly European countries’ relations
with Iran, Mr. Hijri stated that while PDKI believes in dialogue to resolve
conflicts and disputes, it can not oppose such relations, rather it considers
it as constructive, only if its is based on respect for human rights,
including the rights of the oppressed nationalities by the Iranian
Both sides were delighted with the
prospects of this friendly visit, and considered the coordination of such
visits very fruitful for exchanging of information and the proximity of
In the afternoon of the same day,
Mustafa Hijri also paid a visit to Madam Danniel Miterand the
President of France-Librete Foundation in the bureau of this organization.
In this visit, both sides exchanged views regarding various issues,
including Iranian affairs, Iranian and Iraqi Kurdistan.
Hijri, along with explaining and analyzing Party positions regarding
situation in Iran and Iranian Kurdistan, pointed out the continued
suppression by the regime, especially the hardliners in Iran, and stated that
these suppressive policies will do little to save the regime because today in
Iran we are witnessing a freedom-loving and strong populace movement that
does not consider this regime as reformable.
The demand of this movement is going beyond Khatami, and the formation
of fundamental changes in the political structure.
This movement is an unstoppable movement, meaning that until the
realization of their legitimate demands, and the establishment of a populace
system believing in the authority of the people, people will not give up
struggle, and PDKI reaffirms its support for the movement and will strive to
strengthen it with all its capabilities. Another part of the discussions was devoted to the issue of establishing the Kurdish working group in the French Parliament. In this regard, both sides along with expressing their opinions insisted on further activeness for its establishment. Bin Laden’s Iranian Connection
In a development that's certain to make supporters of U.S. rapprochement with
Iran inside the Bush administration uncomfortable, a growing body of evidence
suggests that members of Tehran's terror network may well have been involved
in planning the September 11 suicide attacks which
killed upwards of 3,000 people. Writing in the Dec. 3 and Dec. 31 issues of
Insight, Kenneth R. Timmerman has made a compelling case that senior Iranian
officials and members of the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah (the most
prominent among them being fugitive Lebanese killer Imad Mugniyeh)
have long worked together in planning terrorist operations. He also suggests
that bin Laden operatives have received military training inside Iran, as
well as from Iranian personnel in Syria and Lebanon. "We know
that Mugniyeh has a relationship to bin Laden," a U.S. official told
Insight. "Did he have a role in planning the outrages of September 11?
We can't rule it out." Insight.
The highly classified material showed a pattern of connections between the
Iranian government and Egyptian Islamic Jihad, which joined forces with Bin
Laden's group in February 1998 to form an organization calling itself the
World Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders. Bin Laden's deputy
— former Egyptian
Islamic Jihad leader Ayman
al-Zawahiri, who is believed to have masterminded the September 11
attacks — repeatedly traveled to Iran during the 1990s as the guest of
senior terrorist operatives, among them Ahmad Vahidi, head of a
special operations unit which conducts foreign terrorist operations. In
addition, the respected British defense publication Jane's reported in
October that during the past two years, Iraqi intelligence officers were
shuttling between Baghdad and Afghanistan, meeting with Bin Laden, Mugniyeh
and al-Zawahiri. State Department officials (apparently determined to achieve a rapprochement with Iran) have been downright dismissive of reports linking Mugniyeh, Iran and Bin Laden in recent interviews with Mr. Timmerman. But FBI and U.S. intelligence officials believe the evidence is mounting that Mugniyeh and Bin Laden, et al. have been working together closely. This is an issue that needs to be investigated thoroughly — not whitewashed in the hope of improving relations with Iran. SI
Committee on Peace, Democracy and Human Rights The
Committee, under its main theme 'Conflict prevention and conflict
resolution', examined the development of regional conflicts throughout the
world, addressing the reasons and nature of conflict today. A list of
conflicts and areas of concern was drawn up to concentrate the Committee's
attention. The Committee agreed criteria to recommend initiatives to the
International for further work in support of peace. It agreed to prioritise
action in areas of hidden conflicts in particular, underlining the usefulness
of preventive diplomacy and the need to strengthen this mechanism. The
Committee agreed as well that action should be taken where social democratic
forces faced such difficulties, and to promote initiatives in cases where the
international community had not yet put in place mechanisms to discourage
conflict. The
Committee gave special attention to the issue of the struggle against
terrorism, analysing developments, in particular since September 2001, and it
formed a consensus to advance elements for a definition of international
terrorism. It
was further agreed by the members of the Committee that a report on these
discussions would be presented to the next Council meeting, as well as a
proposal for a resolution. The
Committee decided to take concrete initiatives on the issues of its brief,
agreeing to send SI missions to Belarus, Nepal and Indonesia during the year
2002. The first of these missions will visit Minsk in April, with the
participation of Prime Minister Milos Zeman as Chair of the Committee and the
SI Secretary General, among others. A
PDKI delegation, consisting of Khosrow Abdollahi, PDKI representative abroad,
and Adel Eliassi also participated in this gathering.
PDKI as a member of SI is also a member of SI Middle East Committee,
and SI Committee on Peace, Democracy and Human Rights. From
the latest issue of the magazine of the Socialist International, Socialist
Affairs… >
first global crisis of the new era Felípe
Former Prime Minister of Spain, reflects on the new threats the world faces. >
and how to cancel the debts of the poorest countries François
First Secretary of the French Socialist Party, explains the urgency of a
global task. >
struggle for democracy in Côte d'Ivoire President
Laurent Gbagbo of Côte d'Ivoire talks about his life and the
challenges he and his country face at the beginning of a new century. >
of the European Union - Challenge and Opportunity Günter
Member of the European Commission responsible for Enlargement underlines the
importance of public opinion as new members enter the EU. >
the present: thinking of the future Rolando
Araya Monge,
Presidential candidate of the National Liberation Party in Costa Rica, sets
out his vision To read these articles visit News in Brief:Detonation of Land MinesThe complete militerization of Iranian Kurdistan and the Iran-Iraq war has left the region and the people with a deadly weapon that hunts every moment of their lives; Furthermore, the regime has not taken any measures to collect mines planted in the populated in the frontiers. With the downsizing military presence in the region due to sluggish economy, the regime has handed over security to the deadly mines planted all over Kurdistan. In this issue, we will list the victims of this shameful policy of a regime that commits anything to stay in power. Ø
In the early July of last year, two young girls from the village of Zakaria,
in the Mariwan region (Western Iran) who were not identified, ran over
a mine planted by the armed forces of the regime were seriously injured, and
lost several parts of their body. Ø
On August 10, 2001, an unidentified, 12 years old boy ran over a mine
in the evacuated pasture of the village of “Ghozlo” in the Hawshar
region (north western Iran), and seriously injured.
The mentioned pasture has been evacuated for two years, but its mines
have not been collected and threaten the life of the people of the village. Ø
At the end of December 2001, a group of children from Wooshkdar
village, a suburb of Bana Township in Kurdistan province, found a mine
in the old garrison of the village. After
playing with the “toy” the mine went off, and unfortunately, one of the
children lost both of his hands and eyesight, and six other were injured. Regime’s AtrocitiesIranian
Kurdistan is situated in one of the most underdeveloped regions of Iran.
The authorities in Tehran have never paid considerable attention to
the region, and the regime of Islamic Republic has pursued similar policies
in regards to the Kurds. The Kurds in Iran having no proper occupation and sources of
income have to become illegal merchants!?, who endanger their lives to feed
their families. The government
has prohibited all the economic activities in the region, and the locals have
to either migrate to more developed, non-Kurdish areas or become victims of
such oppressive and discriminatory policies every day. Here we enclose list of those who have been killed while
working hard to cope with the economic hardship facing the region: q
Date: October 18, 2001, Name: Bayzid Bafra, Age:
teenager, Region: Piranshahr, West Azarbijan (north western
Iran), Occupation: merchant, Killed by: security forces. q
Date: October 19, 2001, Name: Muhammad Husien Kalani,
Region: Sardasht, Occupation: merchant, (He was killed by the armed thugs of
the regime while trading in the Sardasht region. Date: October 24, 2001, name: Yusef Rahmani, Occupation: merchant, Age: unknown. Region: Oshnawiya, West Azarbijan. (The security forces confiscated his possessions after he was murdered). q Date: October 30, 2001, name: Abdullah Bakhtiyar, Age: 61, Region: Mahabad, West Azarbijan, Killed by: the chief commander of the security forces. q
Date: Early November 2001, Name: Mawlood Sawja, age:
unknown, Occupation: driver, Region: Oshnawia, West Azarbijan,
(He was apparently working in the region.
The authorities had demanded 700 000 toomans (Iranian currency)
from his family to hand over his body, which is common practice by the
vigilant groups, and an evil source of income). q
Date: November 17, 2001, Name: Omar fathi, Age: 39 years,
Occupation: tractor driver. (He was captured by transportation authorities
for not having proper documentation, and was ran over by his tractor droved
by the authorities, and passed away in the hospital). Death
of two people under torture
to reliable sources, two people, Mohammad Amin Mohammadi, son of Ata,
and Taymour Aslani, son of Sayfula, from Sanandaj have
passed away in the regime’s Hamadan and Sanadaj prisons
respectively in early November under extreme torture by the regime’s
authorities. The
banishment of corrupt individuals to Kurdistan
Despite the illegalness of exiling a
corrupt person from one region to another, the Islamic Republic regime,
intending to contaminate the Kurdish society in general, and the youth in
particular has started to exile those who have been infected with AIDS or
have become drug addicts, or have deviated from moral values to the Kurdish
regions, particularly the Kermashan province. According to reliable sources, so far several people of these
sorts have been relocated in the Kurdish areas in Iran.
Group of Belgium parliamentarians visit PDKI Political BureauA delegation of Belgium parliamentarians composed of Mary Begham, deputy speaker of Belgium parliament, Fred William, member of Belgian parliament, Vinist Van, Belgian Senator, with Izabil Dikaisir (President of the Federation of Cooperation with the Kurds). Nick Hans (photographer), Peter Votrs, (Journalist) and Dariush Farho, President of Kurdish Institute in Brussels, paid a visit to the Politburo and were received by a PDKI delegation headed by Secretary-general Abdullah Hassanzadeh, and a number of Politburo and Central committee members. In this visit, a number of international and regional issues were discussed, and both sides answered reporters’ questions. Meeting of PDKI Representative in Sweden with Morgan JohanssonOn
Tuesday, October 16, 2001, Hassan Qaramani, head of the
Committee and public relations of our Party in Sweden met with Morgan
Johansson, member of Parliament, and also a member of International
commission of the Socialist Democratic Party in Parliament.
In this meeting, It was particularly discussed that despite the
influence of Kurdish issues on Iran’s conditions in general and the Kurdish
movement in particular, still necessary importance has not been paid by the
Swedish Parliament; therefore, the Swedish Parliament should put forward the
Kurdish issue as a potential conflict and attempt to draft resolutions to
deal with the issues. One
of the other issues that were under discussion was the resignation of the
Kurdish MPs in the Iranian Islamic Assembly.
In other parts of the meeting, Khatami’s thesis of “dialogue of
civilizations” was discussed. In
this regard, this reality was mentioned that while the Islamic Republic of
Iran cannot dialogue with the people of Iran, how could we be hopeful to this
regime’s dialogue outside the countries?
Also in this meeting, along with discussing the violation of human
rights in Iran and the suppression of the Kurdish people in Iranian
Kurdistan, a list of those who have been victims of terrorist actions of the
Islamic republic was presented to Mr. Johansson.
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