Tilman Zülch, the President of Society for the Threatened Peoples' Appeal to the Member States of the European Union


Göttingen, 11 December  2003



On the international day of human rights, when the Iranian human rights defender Mrs. Shirin Ebadi is awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, the Soceity for Threatened Peoples was alarmed by information about the execution of two Iranian Kurdish activists.


Mr. Jalil Zewai, who was imprisoned in 1994 was executed on December 4th 2003. Mr. Ramin SHarifi was arrested on July 8th 2003 and exectuted on December 6th 20003.


We urgently appeal to you to condemn these executions. As a member state of the European Union your country will be responsible for the dialogue with Iran. The dialogue will only have a positive effect on the implementation  of the democracy and human rights in Iran or on the civil and human rights situation if the democratic western states namely the EU member states and candidates, do protest forcefully against severe human rights violations like these mentioned above.


Therefore, we urgently appeal to you to do every thing in your power to prevent the execution of nine more political prisoners of Kurdish origin :


1.  Arshad Reza-ee , born 1962, father of three children.

2.  Muhammad Azeez Ghaddere, born 1953, father of two children.

3.  Youness Mohammad-Poor, born 1970.

4.  Mozaffar Kazammi, born 1975.

5.   Ma’roof Sohrabi, born 1976.

6.   Adnan Isma-eeli, born 1975.

7.  Hassan Jazayerchi, born 1954, father of one child.

8.   Majid Sadafi, born 1969, father of one child.

9.  Kamil Ostad Ahmadi, born 1972, father of two children.


Two other political prisoners of Kurdish origin are supposed to be already condemned to death :


Hassan Mahmudi, 30 years, improned since 1997.

Isamil Mohammedi, 30 years, imprisoned 2001.


Fully trusting in the good will of the European governments we ask you to inform us about your intiatives in this matter and thank you in advance for any steps you take to save the life of mentioned persons.




Tilman Zülch, president

Society for Threatened Peoples



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