Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan

  Secretary-general, Mustafa Hijri's letter to the the Leaders of the European Community



I am writing to draw your attentions to the current situation of Iranian Kurdistan and the Iranian regime’s cruelty against Kurdish people.


Dr. Abdulrahman Ghassemlou the general secretary of Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan was assassinated with his associates on 13th July 1989 in Austria capital, Vienna. Dr. Ghassemlou attended a meeting with the mercenaries of the regime of Islamic Republic to supposedly find a peaceful to Kurdish issue in Iran. The regime’s terrorist-diplomats who were present at the negotiation table assassinated him.



The residents of the City of Mahabad (West Azerbijan province) closed down their shops and markets and organized a peaceful demonstration on 16th anniversary of their leader and to condemn this terrorist act of the Islamic Republic of Iran and to protest against its so-called president-elect Mohammad Ahmadi Nejad – who had a vital role in the assassination of Dr. Ghasmelou – The protest was also carried out to address their condemnation of the brutal killing of a young Kurdish activist, Kamal Asfaram, nicknamed, Shwana Said Ghaderi on 9th July 2005, who was killed under torture. Unfortunately the security guards of regime brutally opened fire on peaceful demonstration, which left numerous casualties and arrested abundant of demonstrators, who have been under harsh treatment. At least four of the arrested people died under torture of the security forces, whose body had been handed over to their families.


To condemn the brutal acts of regime in Mahabad fellow citizens in other cities of Kurdistan in Iran organized peaceful demonstrations.


Over the last four weeks, the Kurdish cities of Iran have been under rigid suppression of the Islamic Republic of Iran. During the current events at least 20 people have been killed and scores of others have been injured by the security forces of the Islamic Republic. The condition of the most of the wounded is stated as critical. Hundreds of Kurdish people have been arrested, facing humiliation and torture in the hands of the secret agents.  As a result, the people of Kurdistan have endured a huge economic and properties loss.


The people of Iranian Kurdistan expect the European countries, espousing democracy, rule of law and human rights to take action against the conduct of the Islamic regime in Iran, who viciously suppresses the peaceful demonstration and demands of the Kurdish people in Iran and fails to recognize their basic human rights.


We believe that the indifferent policy of European countries towards the crimes of the Islamic Republic of Iran against Kurdish people and other Iranian ethnic groups is not only in contradiction with the democratic principles of democracy, but also an alarming truth that this policy which has continued for the last 25 years: not only it has resulted in the determination of the regime in further adoption of repressive policies towards its people, but also it is not in your commercial interests nor it can  contain Iran’s nuclear ambitions.


We therefore urge you, in parallel with nuclear discussions with the government of Iran:

  1. Send an independent delegation to Iranian Kurdistan to investigate the conditions of the detainees of the last month’s events in Kurdistan

  2. Condemn the Islamic Republic of Iran for its crime against Kurdish people

  3. Pressure the government of Iran to release all the prisoners and compensate them

  4. To seriously request from the government of Iran to bring to justice the killers and torturers of the latest uprisings.



We look forward to seeing your country’s urgent actions.


Yours sincerely,



Mustafa Hejri

Secretary General

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