Joint Committee of the U.K Branches of Kurdistan Parties

C/O Kurdish Advice Centre, St Mary’s Community Centre, Birkbeck Rd, Hornsey, London N8 7PS



16 December 2003

Your Excellency,

We the undersigned are very worried about the recent developments taking place in Iran.

As you are well aware, since 1979 when Ayatollah Khomeini took over, more than 300 hundred members of PDKI alone has been assassinated outside Iran.

Iranian agents in Vienna assassinated Dr.Abdurrahman Ghassemlou, the then Secretary General of PDK of Iran and two of his comrades in 1989. Nobody has yet been charged with these murders.

In September 1992 Iranian agents in a restaurant in Berlin in Germany killed Dr Mohammad Sadegh Sharafkandi, who replaced Dr. Ghassemlou as the Secretary General of the PDKI and two of his friends. The Berlin court in April 1997 confirmed the responsibility of Iran’s highest authority in the murders.

        In October 1996, six members of PDK of Iran were handed over to Iranian security police. The fates of these PDKI activists are not known, and their families and friends are still awaiting a statement from the Iranian officials as to whether they are dead or alive. Their names are: Arshad reza-ee; Muhammed Azeez-Ghadderi; Ibness Muhammed-Poor; Mozaffar Kazemmi; Ma’roof Sohrabbi; and Adnan Ismaeeli. On the 14th of October 2003, Mr. Abdulla Hassanzadeh, the Secretary General of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran, appealed to Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the United Nations, urging him to use his good offices to ask the Iranian Government about the where about of these six of PDKI members.

        In July 2003, Dr. Manfred Weidinger the lawyer representing the Dr. Ghasemlou’s case was kidnapped; and his body was found two months later in a forest. Although no one claimed responsibility, it is not too difficult to guess who may be the perpetrators.

Recent attempts by Kurds in Iran to draw attention to their situation have been met with extreme force by the Iranian Government.

        On 16 October 2003, Iranian militias killed three people and wounded many in the city of Sardasht. On 27 October, another Kurd was killed. After the funeral procession, many people are arrested and imprisoned.

        The latest killing in Iran is more telling: In spite of international appeals, Iranian government executed two PDKI members, Jalil Zewai and Ramin Sharifi. Zewai was detained in 1994, but hanged on 4 December 2003!. Mr. Rahimi was a prominent human rights activist of PDKI. He was arrested 5 months ago, without a formal trial, they hanged him on 6 December 2003!

It is quite sinister and alarming to think that Iranians can kill with impunity. The failure of outside authorities to take serious action against Iranian political assassinations has only encouraged them.

We therefore appeal to your government to take urgent steps at UN Human Rights Commission to investigate these currents breaches of human rights and if these complaints are confirmed to be valid, then to ask the UN Security Council to consider taking sanctions against the Iranian regime.

I look forward to an urgent and positive response.

Yours sincerely,

Ihsan Qadir

For and on behalf of:


Kurdistan Democratic Party (Iraq)                            Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (Iraq)

Kurdistan Socialist Party (Turkey)                             Kurdistan Democratic Party (Iran)

YEKITI (Democratic Unity                                       KOMALA (Revolutionary Toilers

Party of Kurds in Syria)                                            Organisation of Iranian Kurdistan)

Kurdistan Socialist Democrat Party (Iraq)                 Kurdistan Communist Party (Iraq)

Kurdistan Toilers Party (Iraq)©PDKI  All Rights Reserved.